View Full Version : Tone & Temper

More Power
05-24-2005, 15:42
My response to the messages appearing here in the past few days about the "politics" of the web are the first in the 20 months since this situation first began. Some feel I should continue to ignore the situation, while others feel the time has come to let people know that there are always two sides to every story, and that just maybe you haven't heard what's really been going on.

If I had my choice, we would stay on-topic with more Duramax & 6.2/6.5 diesel subjects - more event coverage - more performance products - more of what launched The Diesel Page and what continues to keep it online for going on ten years. Fact is, we've got a string of really interesting articles, event coverage and product reviews in the works. I'd much rather spend my time doing that.

So, let me know what you think. Should this be ended or allowed to play itself out?


05-24-2005, 16:15
Amen! Back to the way it was. smile.gif

05-24-2005, 17:43
I think it has been enlightening for you to share some of the stuff that has happened behind the scenes. Helps to put things into perspective.

JD Diesel
05-24-2005, 19:59
He's a dead horse let it DIE. John

05-25-2005, 04:27
My opinion:

"Get on with running your website."

The topics of "politics" belong in a "general forum" on this website. Move it there. Let it play out. Moderate it if necessary. Topics related to DMAX Engines belong here.

The DMAX has been a big seller for GM over the last 4 years. There has been a large increase in the number of vendors selling performance products and there is at least one more forum online (TDPlace). Tomorrow there "could be" another forum online (who knows) as well as ten more vendors selling performance products. No one has an exclusive lock. The "market" should handle this with the extra units in the field. What matters is your forum and how you want to administer it. How other people want to administer their forums is their business. Its unfortunate about the action 20 months ago by some, it sheds some light on the true people. Having said that, these issues are 20 months old, lets move on.

My opinion again - the first step is to remove auto filters that edit out references to other sites. If these did not exist, some of the recent posts about "politics" would not have come up in the first place.

Looking forward to the articles you mention.


Chris Todd
05-25-2005, 05:29
I think I am the guy who re-started all this. I did it with a reference to something I didn't think was a big deal (Nick---).

Like I posted in a different thread, sorry.

That being said, I can also speak with some authority about having a website and having to walk that fine line website administrators and those responsible for websites do. I am a website administrator on a private website (chat room) for a group of pilots. The reason the website is private is our union whacked the public one after getting some rather "dubious" advise from in-house counsel, who misrepresented what outside legal counsel, at a cost of $4,000 no less, recommended (long, long story filled full of lies, lies of omission and dirty politics).

Here is my point. Without making judgments (just an observation from experience so please take it like that) plugging words not generally accepted as obscene into the

05-25-2005, 13:45
If this has taken away too much time so we are not getting other good info than I say let it go. Maybe some would like you to use your time on that rather than keeping up on making this the great site that it is. Only you know how it has affected this site in that way.As for it being on the site I have an answer for that, I just haven't read them. I read what is of interest to me.. So,, If it is affecting getting some good articles to us. let it go..

05-25-2005, 16:00
I do not like conflict of this nature. Let it go!!

05-25-2005, 18:50
I agree with Viking.

05-27-2005, 16:32
Ditto, fagetaboutit. Lets talk Duramax diesels!!