View Full Version : Holy Smokin LLY

05-09-2005, 20:56
Well, here in Hollister,CA. I have several of LLY customers with this issue. I finally was able to get one to act up today WOW!!! Now I understand how bad it is. BOSCH is proving to be very UNhelpful on this matter. As far as I can tell it is a injector issue. The additive seems to help while it is being used but problem comes back when not. I recently had customers from Oregon come in with smoke,knocking and dtc's p0101,p0401 and p0404(I believe the dtc's were set by carbon sticking open the egr). I replaced the egr and ran an expierement on the injectors in the sealing area(just my own theory).The customers had smoke etc for 600+ miles from Oregon here intermittently and NO problems going home. I am still in touch with them to see if the expierement works,time will tell. I do have another 04 comming in am for the same I will try and narrow down which cylinder and will run the expierement on it also. I hope it works cause the grey hair is getting thicker. I need to keep my customers happy and since BOSCH can't help me maybe I can help myself.

05-10-2005, 05:37
I forgot to ask;how many others outside CA. have had this problem?? BOSCH is trying to say it is just the fuel out here that is causing the issues.

05-10-2005, 14:52
Man here in Southern Indiana/North Central Kentucky I haven't seen it at all. Could it be Cali-emmison trucks mainly? My area is know for having some pretty nasty fuel, mainly because the farmers refuse to believe the rust and water in their bulk metal and often left open tanks damage their trucks. I always get the " I've run it in my tractors for years w/ no problems" replies.