View Full Version : Allison seep

05-21-2003, 14:19

This is a new truck with 325 miles on it. I have a seep of trans fluid from a small round hole cover at the 6 oclock pos on the bell housing in line with the filter. I have had a drip hit the ground. Should I be concerned?


05-22-2003, 00:59
I would take it to dealer right away. We pay to much for these things to drip one drop in 3 years. Let us know what thay find.

05-22-2003, 04:33

Keep an eye on it .

05-22-2003, 06:01
I would have it at least checked out. My buddies 2002 1 ton dually has 21,000 miles on it as of last night. Not a drop of oil anywhere has shown up. I do more hauling with it then he does. My standing rule with my dealer is my money is perfect, my outfits better be the same, they know that about me and respect it. So glad the awsome 93 is still in the family. Good Luck!

05-22-2003, 07:34
If you are talking about that tin disc, I'd let it ride for a while. Mine did that too. I think it was just assembly "sloppage" and melting grease etc. Keep wiping and watching it, and get it good and warm.

Change the oil, and hoook up the fiver for a couple hundred miles of moderate work so she gets good and broken in. We'll be expecting to see it on the hill in Missoula ;)

05-24-2003, 23:29
I just bought a 03 GMC Dmax/Allison and I put less then 200 miles on it when I noticed a big leak from the front bell housing.

Took it to a local dealer the next day (not the place I bought it), they pulled the trans and replaced the front pump seal, took 3 days. After that, I had the truck for about 4 days and decided to look under the truck again and the dam thing was dripping again. This time I took it back to the dealer I bought it from, (the local dealer stole my change, dented my bumper and didn't fix the problem, you think I

05-25-2003, 06:19
I had the same thing, took it to the dealer.
They had it for about three days. Picked it up
still leaking!Back to dealer we go he put in a brand new traney. No more leaking great truck!

05-25-2003, 09:47
Yeah, I wasn't lucky enough to get a new tranny. But if it goes back one more time for this, they will be giving me a new truck!

05-25-2003, 13:41
Mine is just a drip that seems to accumulate around the little tin hole cover. I am watching it to see if it will stop. JK says to go out and get it good and warm one time. I plan on taking it to the local Allison dealer and have the fluid changed to transynd and have a deep pan installed. I hope that the seep stops as this is the smoothest shifting trans I have ever had the chance to drive. If it doesn't I'm getting to close to the rendevous to have it out of service for a couple of weeks. I haven't even towed with it yet. Only got 680 miles on the clock. New hitch hasn't arrived so not much I can do but wait. Rino liner goes in Tues.
thanks for the replys even though they don't sound to good.

05-25-2003, 16:26
My truck had this, by 1000 miles it went away.
Dealer said it was from assembly. 26,000 now and no leaks.

05-25-2003, 19:28
Thanks Huntindog, that is encourageing.

05-26-2003, 08:51
I had the same leak on my 2003 from the vent at the bottom of the tranny bell housing and in the vicinity of the little "tin" inspection hole cover. I took it back to the dealer at 500 miles and, before they could open up the tranny for inspection, GM notified them that a new tranny was on the way. They were told to do nothing with the old one but exchange it and return it to GM. I was a bit upset that I had experienced the Allison "gremlins", but the GM dealer did a great job with the swap (---as well as with "customer relations") and the new tranny is as dry as can be. I had heard about the leaks with the earlier trannys, but I thought that Allison would have had it under control by 2003. Maybe they have a "disgruntled" employee on the assembly line???

05-26-2003, 11:54
That does it. It goes in on Wed. I just hope that I'm not held up going into the rendezvous.

05-26-2003, 20:18

I seem to recall after talking to SteveO? that he was almost of the opinion that a guy should wait a while before doing the Transynd thing. Maybe you should check w/him.

If it doesn't drip frequently, I wouldn't worry about it. There's a BUNCH of oringed bolts in there, and this could well be assembly seepage...

05-26-2003, 20:52

It stays wet. I see it now from the slot at the bell housing to trans seam. (6 oclock position) I have wiped it off several times and not to long it is back. If this thing is a problem I would like to address it before to long. I might be without a truck come rendezvous time.

05-26-2003, 21:07
At the dealer I always talk about. They have changed several Allisons due to leaks. They don,t work on the leaks, they put in a new trany. It don,t take them long at all to change it. The next reason they replace them is due to the whine that some of them make. But they change alot more due to the darn leaks.
Man I wish you the best, just tough on a new outfit to have even a leak.

05-26-2003, 21:46
I am concerned about it but don't want my truck down just when I need it. I am waiting on the new hitch now and that is killing me. I have about 1000 miles on the truck or close enough to start towing and no hitch. I wanted to get out at least once to get a feel of how the truck will handle while towing. You know get the tire pressures right and the brake adjusted and all that. A good shake down. I don't want to do that on the way to Montana. Rhino liner goes in tomorrow AM.
Other than the seep, no other concerns.

05-27-2003, 08:23
quad1100, sounds like your dealer is really on top of things - they went above and beyond to fix anything that could possibly have contributed to a leak.

10 seals - these are the rubber seals behind the 10 bolts that hold the pump/front support assemly to the inside of the converter housing - one of the most likely spots for the small leaks that some people get stuck with, but probably not the cause of a big leak. Bonus that you got new seals.
1 pump & 1 Torque converter - some people have had the converter bolts lose torque, which allows the converter to "wobble" around a bit. This usually causes either the pump bushing and seal or one of the converter welds to fail, causing a big leak. Because you had both of these components replaced, I would guess that this was your problem.
1 plate - pump wear plate, replaced with the pump.
8 bolts & 6 bolts - not sure which bolts they are talking about, because the pump uses 5 bolts to hold it to the front support the front support uses 10 bolts to hold it to the converter housing, and the converter housing uses 20 bolts to hold it to the main case.
1 valve kit - this is to fix the loss of prime problem that is often described on this site as "converter drainback." Some people have noticed that the trans will not go in gear on the first start up after sitting for an extended period of time - the new valves and springs help prevent the air pocket that causes the loss of prime.
20 washers - occasionally one of the 20 bolts that holds the converter housing to the main case will weep a bit due to internal porosity in the main case casting. The copper washer seal is the fix for this problem. You got all 20 washers just in case you had a leak on one of those bolts. Like I said, they went above and beyond. smile.gif
1 Dye - to find the leak.
15 Dextron III - to get you movin' again.

05-27-2003, 11:28
Now that you put it that way I don't feel as bad that they just didn't up and replace the entire tranny. I was trying to figure out what was better to have some parts replaced or the entire tranny.

The only thing I could justify was as long as the mechanic was competent, having them replaced was better. Who knows what there QC is in production and hearing all the problems they are having I could have ended up with another leaker?


05-28-2003, 19:47
Truck is at the dealer. Will find out tomorrow in the AM what will be done about the leak.

05-29-2003, 10:38
Just called the dealer and they are pulling the tranny to reseal the govenor plate and pump housing. The dye they used showed the leaks in those two area. They called GM and that was what they recommended. At least I won't have to break in a new tranny this close to the rendezvous. Should have the truck back in the morning.

05-30-2003, 20:19
Well called the dealer this AM and was told that (and this hard to believe but)the seals were not available. They called GM and they said they were sending a new Allison from Detroit City. Hope it will be here first of the week but not holding my breath.
On a good note the service has been great and I met the diesel tech this afternoon who is working my truck. Seems like a good fellow who will do a good job and get me back on the road. He showed me the tranny on the bench and where the leak was coming from. He also said that they don't get much info out of GM about our trucks. So I took the opportunity to lay one of Jim's business cards on him. By the way Jim, I'm running out again.
Anyway I have confidence in the folks at Murdock Chev here in Bountiful so Maybe Tuesday back on the road.

05-30-2003, 20:25
Hope everything works out for you. Bet you are happy you took it in now.

05-30-2003, 21:09
Yavol mine hairs. :D