View Full Version : What the......??!!!

05-18-2003, 23:48
I should get some answers at the dealer tomorrow, but I thought I would see if anyone had any ideas on this strange string of events. All happened running empty on level 3 with hot juice. Ok, a few days back i pulled out of a parking lot and the truck started to miss or something, and had a god awful rattle to it.It reminded me of the original Juice fishbite, but much more severe. No SES, no limp, and within a mile or so all was well. A day later, same thing,rattle,power loss, and truck jerked as if not running on all cylinders, then later runs perfectly. Well now I think I got some bad fuel or something so I take it out a day later to run the tank down a ways and change the filter.Backing out of the garage the truck rattles,then stalls,and this time got an SES. Turned key off and on a few times, cleared SES, and truck runs good again. This weekend I took a few hundred mile trip and I planned to run the tank down as low as possible and change the filter. During the first half of the trip the truck ran ok, but was much louder than normal (amplified pilot injection), though all guages were normal. The second half of the trip the truck runs normal, and I fill up with fresh fuel.NOW yesterday while driving a short distance, the truck rattles real loud, fills the road up with smoke, SES comes on, truck will not go faster than 15MPH, and again all guages normal. Since I was nearly to my destination, I limped and smoked my way until parked. When parked, I cycle the key a few times and try to start....nothing and low fuel light comes on and guage reads empty. Cycle a few more time, SES goes off,fuel guage corrects, and truck runs normal. For the way home I pulled the Juice in case I would need a tow or something and all 300 miles truck ran good. Sorry for the long post, but this is my first problem engine wise and it has me a bit freaked out. Any ideas?

05-19-2003, 03:29
what version do you have?

05-19-2003, 03:50
Sticking,dirty injectors .... How many miles ?? Are you using a fuel additive ??


[ 05-19-2003: Message edited by: mackin ]</p>

05-19-2003, 05:45
Well let's see, it runs fine with the Juice off and bad with it installed. Maybe your Juice went South? Anyway your problems sure sound a lot like excessive timing, which BTW can be extremely destructive. I would try running it without the Juice to be sure it is/is not the problem. If the Juice is the problem I would not expect the Dealer to be very sympathetic.

05-19-2003, 06:44
V4.30 did that on my '02, V4.61 fixed it. Both were HOT Versions.

I still think that V4.30 had more SNOT!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh Well.

GMC ;)

05-19-2003, 10:38
Truck has 23,000 mi. Version 4.61...have had almost all other versions and nothing even close to this has ever happened. The truck also ran fine for alot of miles with the box plugged in. If timing was excessive wouldn,t things get hot? EGT's and engine temps stayed right on the money.

05-19-2003, 13:59
If the Juice aint oozing ....

I'm sticking with dirty sticking injectors .... No scan tool around to check balance rate??

Mac ;)

05-19-2003, 18:53
Talked to Arron today and he is sending me a new box just to be safe.Gotta love that service...have gone from 3.0,(still say it hit harder than all the rest), on up to the latest greatest, and the service has been outstanding. Tech 2 had a lot to say since I have'nt cleared all the old codes from the brutal 3.0 and dirty air sensor, etc. He did ask me if I chipped the truck..HuH??? The last code from the other day was P201, and had to do with voltage irregularity to fuel injector #1 and in turn shut down 3 others. Could be a connection, bad wire, Juice? So far without the Juice all is well so I am thinking either it or one of the connectors,(though they looked good), are to blame. Anyway, hopefuly in a couple of days I will be Juiced again, running strong, living the good life. I will add the tech did calibrate for my larger tires as well. Nice guy.

05-19-2003, 20:53
figure out the 201 code and I think you found your problem, There are two driver circuits in the FICM. Cyls 1,4,6 and 7 on group 1 and 2,3,5 and 8 on group 2. I would guess it also had a 1261 stored in it.. When the 201 code set, or was current, it would shut down half the engine...

05-20-2003, 00:08
Yes,I was told half the engine did shut down and the 1261 was there as well. What do you mean by figuring out the 201 code? Any ideas on a cause? I did have some connection problems with this particular Juice originaly, but all the pins looked good when I checked them today. What about the intermittent miss and rattle prior to the 201 event? Oh... and I hate to ask this one...... is the shut down damaging in any way?

05-20-2003, 17:59

Mark A
05-20-2003, 20:17
Our 02 CC did this the other day except it let a huge bang out the exhaust and filled the interstate full of white smoke. Pulled the juice and all was well. I think its ver. 4.0, gonna send it back for updates.


05-20-2003, 20:23
moto, shutdown is not gonna harm anything, dont worry about that. I would be lookin at the juice and/or the connections for signs of trouble. Does problem occur with juice off?

05-21-2003, 13:04
I have had the Juice off for quite a few miles with no trouble at all. Initially I did have some connection troubles with the last box which I had fixed, and have a new one on the way just in case. I did check all the connections though and they did look OK. I should have pulled the box when problems started, but was thinking it was all fuel related, as I had just filled up prior to the first problems. Do you think the sluggish running with no SES prior to the 201 event is related?