View Full Version : DMAX hourly workers approve 3-year contract

05-18-2003, 20:31
http://www.daytondailynews.com/business/content/business/daily/0508dmax.html :eek:

[ 05-18-2003: Message edited by: 56Nomad ]</p>

big dipper
05-18-2003, 21:57
$9.32 an hour?

Pretty pathetic that the guy that builds it, can't even afford it!

George - UAW

05-19-2003, 05:49
That's the lowest tier, maybe the third-tier is 20$; we don't know. I would be really suprised that those guys accepted McDonald's salary.

05-19-2003, 06:09
If I remember correctly, during the 2001 DP Rendezvous Dmax plant tour, the manager told us at that time they were making 9 something an hour. Looks like they got no raise in two years.

As automated as the place is, there isn't a huge requirement for highly skilled employees.

[ 05-19-2003: Message edited by: hoot ]</p>

05-19-2003, 08:15
Two sides to every story, huh? You have to keep costs down, but quality up. It does not matter how automated a process is, having a human set of eyes on it will still find more of the problems. It sounded like the lowest tier did get a raise for what I read. In this economy, I am glad to have a job.

05-19-2003, 21:50
I don't know about the other GM plants...but I used to be a nurse at Saturn and we made above $25/hr...and I was told that there were plant workers who made more than that.

05-19-2003, 23:55
I think the benefits are probably pretty good but that does seem like a low starting wage. I would expect a full time employee after a brief probation to make at least $12/hour for that kind of work. Maybe I have been in Alaska for too long now. --nick