View Full Version : going to canada , what should i put in the fuel??

12-30-2003, 06:07
i am going to anada on the 11th of jan , it is very cold where i am going and have seen -30 on some nights . any thought on what i should put in the fuel ? the truck will be sitting for the whole week , when i get there i may drive it once .

any thought for me ? and where to buy ?

george morrison
12-30-2003, 09:19
I can highly recommend Primrose 409 Flowmaster. At a treat rate of one ounce 409 to 8 gallons of #2 diesel, the pour point 20 to 30 degrees F. It does not hurt to overtreat and in your case with the truck sitting for a week, I would suggest significant overrtreat. And if you can purchase a premium fuel you *know* to be premium, (such as BP Diesel Supreme) fill up with that fuel.
Once there, try to park the truck in a location with cover/protection from the wind. If none is available, park with the grill facing east or away from the prevailing wind, wrap a protective covering around the battery. And of course, if electric plug in is available, take advantage of that!
And hopefully you are running a full synthetic diesel oil; even plugged in the upper oil galleys/turbocharger are totally cold soaked. A full synthetic engine oil will greatly assist in starting, provide instantaneous oil flow and prevent damage.. Many think that by 'plugging in' one has a completely warm engine; this is not the case....
George Morrison

12-30-2003, 12:21
i do not have synthetic in it yet , it only has 5,000 miles on it . where can i buy this stuff?

anyone else ?

george morrison
12-30-2003, 13:03
One source for Primrose 409 is www.avlube.com. (http://www.avlube.com.) AVlube.com will be closed for inventory but will be back on line Monday 1/5/04.. Two days, max shipping from Columbus, Ohio should put it at your door by Wednesday..
George Morrison

12-30-2003, 16:42
One 40'x20' plastic sheet if It wont start you build a tent over the truck use snow at the base for hold downs, place the Colman stove (lit of coarse) under the truck and leave for 3hr.

been there done that in -40 c or f .

good luck

12-30-2003, 17:01
just fill like normal, all fuel is lighter as of the middle of october(designed for winter), no additives needed up here, even in the cold temps, trust me run a fleet of desiels.fred

12-30-2003, 17:13
I will likely have a few that disagree but I think diesel fuel is better up here and as fredw says, just fill like normal and don't worry too much. While I admit that I've never left my 6.6 truck sit for 5 days without starting, I have had it sit over night in -25, not plugged in and have not had problems starting or running the truck the next day. My old 6.2 used to spend days in the cold and still start just fine and my 5.7 diesel was stored winters and started after a month without any aids. Enjoy your time in Canada. :D :D :D

12-30-2003, 19:58
I second that, seem to be a general concensus that Canadian fuel is cleaner and more adapted to winter than American fuel. Third winter, never plugged it, always started sometimes in -30C.

12-31-2003, 07:18
No question, just fill up as usual. We are forcasted for -30C in 2 days :D and that good old truck will start and run, no problem.

More Power
12-31-2003, 11:27
More cold weather tips can be found in the following Member tech page:


Good luck!