View Full Version : SPA EGT Temp limits?

05-17-2003, 20:10
I just installed my SPA digital EGT guage. I occasionally pull a 11000# 5th wheel. Any suggestions on what a expected running temp should be will towing and what would be the MAX you would allow without taking evasive action?


05-19-2003, 06:45
Running temps will be variable say from about 250 till?. IMHO I wouldn't let it get above 1300 sustained. It can safely spike to considerably higher temps, but I don't have a max temp/time chart or anything like that. Keep it below 1300 and I believe you will not have a problem.

05-19-2003, 13:27
Thanks a64. Glad you got to stay home
from the Gulf this time.


05-19-2003, 13:48
If your sensor is placed pre-turbo I would not run above 1200 for any period of time. I tow a 13,000 lb fifth and my temps run from 850 to 1100. Very seldom will it go above that. In stock form the Duramax operates well below it,s thermal limit. The 6.5 however will sail right past 1300 degrees on hills without any hesitation.

05-19-2003, 19:44
South bound 0n 89 pulling 10,000 into Flaggstaff Arizona I hit 1236, stock. Would've went higher but I backed off. This was about 10 days ago.

05-20-2003, 06:36
I'm retired now, a sillyvilian, doing the same thing, just by contract now.
Glad to see someone else that can go over 1200 stock, starting to wonder about my truck with all of these hot-rodded trucks only hitting 1000 or so. I think that the response time of some of these pyrometers is quite slow and to see the real temp it may have to be held for a while, like pulling heavy up a hill or something.