View Full Version : Quad digital guage

Murray the Cop
12-11-2003, 06:16
I have this guage installed along with the attitude. The readouts are pretty far off between the two. Which is accurate? This is the second attiutude,due to another issue, but the differences are the same.

Mark A
12-11-2003, 11:30
My buddy has the Attitude pyro installed in the drivers side manifold and a regular pyro in the passenger and they are about dead even at all times.


12-11-2003, 15:43
Murray, 2 questions. How far off are the readings?
Where are the probes mounted for each gauge, and are they similar mounts (i.e both pre-turbo)? If one is pre & the other post, that can account for some difference. My Quad gauge seems to give readings consistent to what others see with their setups.
DinoMax :D :D

Murray the Cop
12-12-2003, 04:51
I monitored the pyro readings at different times from the same location (pass side manifold)the difference was 200 degrees.The boost has a difference of 4.Oil temp eventually reads the same.

12-12-2003, 05:05
I can comment on the Attitude versus a SPA 211.

SPA boost, measured from T'd wastegate line, is several PSI (up to 4 in some cases) lower than the Attitude's, up until about 8 PSI; from there on, they track each other. I think I am having issues with my SPA boost transducer, and am swappping it out this weekend. Will see if that gets them closer together.

EGT, with Attitude's measured from a pyro in the DS exhaust manifold and SPA measured from a pyro in the PS exhaust manifold, are spot on, steady state. Under rapidly changing, dynamic conditions, SPA is much more sensitive. However, my SPA probe is extremely thin, whereas the Attitude probe is thick. I can exceed 1500 degrees on a 0 - 60 blast on either the 125 or 150 HP attitide setting, while the Attitide never gets past 1200 degrees.

I do like the fact that EGT as measured in each exhaust manifold, steady state, are the same. Occasionally, they are exactly the same, to the degree!

I realize you asked about the Quad, but thought this information might be somehow relevent. My experiences only.

12-12-2003, 08:51
Are you using a single probe hooked to both gauges or does each gauge have it's own probe installed?

12-13-2003, 13:55
Murray, Hound asked my next question. Are you using a single probe for both gauges? If so, you could be losing some resistance in the wiring, therefore getting an incorrect egt reading on one, or both gauges. Each gauge needs a separate probe/lead wire to get accurate readings. HoustonDMax mentioned his Spa was much more sensitive than his Attitude on quick burst. I've noticed that my quad is also very sensitive, especially while on the throttle, but settles back quickly when I level off. I think it is just a quicker reacting probe & gauge. How close are your readings at a steady, cruising speed? DinoMax :D :D

12-13-2003, 21:59
Consider the depth of penetration of the probe. If the probe is to far into the manifold the reading will be high and of course if not far enough to low. The ideal placement is to have the tip directly in the center of the manifold cavity. This location will give you the most accuate indication.
:cool: :D Just my two cents.

12-13-2003, 22:51
Perhaps you could just swap sides? Take the probes out and swap them. Make sure to mark the depth "before" removing the probes. I would install them to the exact depth as they came out. Once you have your readings, change the probe depth to match the first setting of what the other probe was. If your numbers are still wayyyy off... you have a problem.

Burner---------> :D