View Full Version : Quad Stealth tuner vs Juice, I'm going Insane. Help please

12-10-2003, 09:48
If I do one more search, read one more thread, or call one more place on this subject I think my head is going to explode.

I have a basically stock truck, only mods are intake and exhaust. It's come down to the juice/attitude or the quadzilla stealth tuner, and I can't decide which to get. I hardly ever tow anything, so I'm not necessarily looking for the best tow box out there. I'm not worried about noise, smoke, or fuel economy either. I read some people don't like the noise of the quadzilla and some guys don't like the touchy accelerator on the juice. I just want the truck to be powerful and fun without hurting the stock transmission. I'm not overly hard on my stuff, either. If I do get the urge to beat the crap out of something I usually drive the camaro.

What's my best bet here? Juice/attitude pkg or quad stealth tuner 110? Is it safe to run 135 stealth tuner on a stock transmission? I've heard yes and no to this one. Let's just say I want the truck to go from 0-60 mph as fast as possible on the stock transmission. I know both products are good, but which would suit me better? Should I just flip a coin?

help me out here and please post your opinion. My power box is going to be a christmas present from my girlfriend so I need to decide quick!


12-10-2003, 10:33
Easy, JUICE ;) Been running the 90 HP Juice v4.61 for over 20,000 miles with zero problems. Unless bald tires count :D :D :D No codes, no limps just pure performance... My $.02

12-10-2003, 10:49
The Juice/Attitude is a lot more civilized than the earlier Juice right out of the box. Touchy performance is gone. Oh you can wiz-bang it so you get that touchy feeling back via owner options, but I've not tried it yet nor do I plan to. Great customer service helps too. :D

12-10-2003, 12:14
5 settings of low boost fueling allow you to drop down the aggressiveness of the module. This aggressiveness is the whopping torque that Edge is famous for, and I doubt you'd need to turn them back.

12-10-2003, 12:19
I've driven both, dyno'd both, towed with both, etc. Been playing with the Juice almost since it's inception, and have logged well over 30,000 miles on my box with nary a problem.

The Juice wins hands down- smooth power, good power, and efficient. You can adjust the throttle aggressiveness with the Attitude- from stock-like to almost like a dirt bike (very responsive).

Still like some of the features on the Quad, but the Juice is still tops in the "quality" of the power.

Murray the Cop
12-10-2003, 12:41
Juice with attitude is the way to go. I purchased the quad first and after all the problems I returned it and got the juice. No problems as of yet. If you want to run the 125 setting a tranny upgrade would probably be smart. Hope it helps. Been there done that!

12-10-2003, 13:51
Can't beat the tude! I had the regular juice and I drove a truck with the quad 135 before I bought the tude. The 135 is pretty mean, but I think it feels more aggressive because it's not as smooth. The shift on the fly, gauges, and safeties keep the juice on top.
My 02


12-10-2003, 17:21

12-10-2003, 22:15
Call JK and get two things, The Juice w/Attitude and a Diablo. Install the Juice first and then the Diablo. The juice will cover all of your needs but one, speed. Plug in the Diablo and program "only" the speed part. The Diablo power programs atop the Juice will omit the "defuel" between shifts and trash your trans before it's time. The Diablo is very useful in reading codes, resetting codes, injectors and stuff. If you want your truck to last a long time go JUICE. However, whatever you decide lookout for the super "timming" boxes. High timming will kill that motor quicker than anything.
----- and that's my .02 worth.

The best thing you can do is call Kennedy. I would write your questions down, John is really fast on "exact" answers but pleasant.

Burner---------> :D

12-11-2003, 10:14
wow, so far the juice is leading 8 to 0. Guess I know which one I'll be ordering. :D

Thanks for the recommendations, guys. Anyone have any additional comments before I order?

Jordan smile.gif

12-11-2003, 11:25
Originally posted by Jorday:
Thanks for the recommendations, guys. Anyone have any additional comments before I order?
Jordan smile.gif [/QB]Ya.....ahhhhh, Juice :D

12-11-2003, 20:43
Tried the 90 Juice first. Then tried 3 different quads with no luck (long story). I'm back to running my original Juice and a happy camper ...other then the fact I can't recalibrate speedo ...win some you lose some.

12-12-2003, 03:35
Have been running various Juice units on my truck for over 30,000 miles .... no engine/transmission problems that I know of .... currently running Hot Juice, but don't plan on Attitude upgrade until warranty is gone
