View Full Version : winter milage

max out
12-08-2003, 07:57
does it seem normal for milage to drop about 5 miles per gal in cold months or is there someting else starting to go wrong. truck has 8400 miles on it, I've read a lot about power and milage gettin better as miles start building, I'm still waiting as It doesn't seem to be happening?????

Johnny Diesel
12-08-2003, 08:31
Only thing I am noticing for sure is that if I short run the truck around town and never really get it hot mileage isn't too great. Now if you are working it for hours(plowing) and never shut it down mileage is much better. I refueled with 12 dollars after 7 hours of non stop operation. My 6.0Hd gasser would have taken 30 dollars or so.

Max Power
12-08-2003, 08:51
I usually see a drop of around 20%. This is due to less BTU's in the fuel so it requires more fuel to do the same amount of work. Plus you tend to warm it up more in the winter.

12-08-2003, 09:40
The change to "winter blend" fuel (regular #2 cut with lower cetane #1) will sure affect your mileage. Mine dropped off a solid 3.5 to 4 mpg here in Ohio.

12-08-2003, 11:34
I agree, just checked the mileage last week and saw a 2.0 mpg drop. Last time I checked it was a month or so ago. It was bout 30 degrees all week in KY.

12-08-2003, 18:08
I'm running Arctic Diesel which is suppose to be #2 with additives not a blend. If the weather is warm I get the same mileage as straight 2. Once the temps drops below 40 so does my mileage. My truck is effected more by cold weather than the fuel.

12-13-2003, 05:48
I regularly drive from my home in Eastern Ontario to Raleigh NC. About 1400km each way (875mi). About 2 full tanks of fuel each way. It's actually a bit more because of the driving around mileage while there. I notice a substantial diffence in mileage between the first and second tanks south bound and visa versa north bound. The farther north (colder) I get, the worse.
I drive quite conservatively (at or near the speed limits). In the colder areas I realize 22 imperial MPG and the warmer areas, 25. So, there is clearly a difference. Admittedly very unscientific but just a simple observation. As I'm sure it will be pointed out, there are way too many variables to make this a completely valid test.
Biggest difference though is just tooling around town up here. Summertime, 17 MPG; this time of year, lucky to get 12. Installation of the winter cover seems to result in an improvement but I haven't figured it out yet. I think that observation is objective though just because I'm more comfortable in the warmer truck.

Anyway, just my .02.


12-13-2003, 11:38
Chris, I think the wintercover gives an improvement for two reasons: 1)it keeps the engine warmer, which the diesel seems to really appreciate, and 2)there's an aerodynamic gain by "slicking over" the huge grill hole. I find that the grill cover helps mileage during "transitional days" in the Spring and Fall where the temps are in the 40s, especially on high-speed highways like interstates.

12-18-2003, 22:28
max out:
i as well have lost a few miles per gallon with the winter fuel, looks to be about 3mpg i have lost since sept, same time when they started useing the lighter fuel

12-19-2003, 04:50
Two other factors in mileage reduction are the increased wind drag (the air is denser so it takes more energy to push the truck through the air) and the differential fluid is colder (so it's thicker and there is more loss).

Jesus Freak
12-19-2003, 18:26
Hey Maxout,

I notice the drop in mine also. Although I do start-up and let run in driveway for 15 min. all winter, so I think that contributes. I've got 9500 miles now and I'm getting about 12.5 mpg. Also, waiting for the better mileage...

12-19-2003, 23:40
12.5-14 is about all I see around town, both the '01 and the '03 are this way. Highway mileage ALMOST get up to what my summer in town mileage is, about 17.5.

Oh well. Still cheaper running than any gas job I have ever owned.

Commuter Cop
12-20-2003, 12:16
I've only got 10K miles on mine but I've calcuated mileage on every tank since I got it (I must lead a boring life I guess :D ). I drive 90% highway and never went under 20 mpg (at around 65mph) during warmer weather now I'm averaging 18mpg. I also started using the Standyne winter additive at the same time so I'm not sure if this is helping me or hurting me. I just started using the front cover to see if that changes anything because it definitely takes longer to warm up even when plugged in. Anyway it still gets better mileage than my former X-terra gasser (wife's got it now) which weighs at least a ton less.