View Full Version : High Idle Switch Doesn't Work..... HELP!!

10-27-2002, 09:08
Hi Boys and Girls,

I just spent the morning hooking up a wire to pin 71 on C1 of the ECM. I ran +12V to the SPST switch. I verified I have 12V going to the pin, but no change in idle. I have not done any reprograming, but I thought I should get 1200 and 1800 via cruise (which I have). Any insight on what's up? :confused:


10-27-2002, 11:42

If the high idle is not working when you turn on your high idle switch AND the cruise control switch, and you have already verified 12V - I'd check to make sure the added terminal is fully seated in the connector. You can see the terminal through the clear cover, and the terminal should be all the way to the end. Also, you should remove the clear cover when you add the terminal since it makes it much easier to do. Good luck.

10-27-2002, 13:02
Mine did not work when I first tried it after the hookup. Went back and rechecked pin - was OK. Next try, it worked.I found that I have to push the set on the cruise twice to get engagement. Also, I do not think you can have your foot on the brake.

10-27-2002, 20:27
Oops, I had a diode in backwards and I measured the side that had voltage to it. SO, I now really do have voltage to the pin. When I hit the set button twice, the engine boggs down and returns to normal idle. :confused: Same goes for hitting resume/accel. The pin is in all the way, or at least as much as all of the others. Could I be getting poor contact with the pin? Has anyone else seen this bogging situation?

Thanks in advance.

10-27-2002, 20:38
I have an 01' so I have 3 speeds but if I hit my set once it will go to 1200 and if I hit it again it drops to my #1 setting which is 800. Does the same for resume at 1800. If you hit it twice it will go to idle on an 02' and go to 800 on an 01'.

10-27-2002, 20:48
How long do you wait for it to idle up? I waited quite a while and then remembered reading where someone had to push twice. I will hook back up and try your way, but I am concerned about it bogging down. I was also going to pull the ECU (again) and take off the blue cover this time. I was going to add some dielectric grease to the pin to help contact. If this keeps up I am going to get quick disconnects for the batteries! :rolleyes:
I'll let you know how it turns out.

10-27-2002, 22:14
I'll let mine idle for a minute then turn it up when its cold. If its super cold out it won't idle up right away. I can hit the buttons and walk away and after 30sec or so it will turn up on its own. Never had this bogging that you are discribing. So its not idleing down only bogging? Interesting. I don't have an 02' so maybe you have to hit set 2 times. Don't know why it would be different. Maybe an 02' owner will chime in.

Oh ya.....whats the diode for? Don't recall anyone else using one. Maybe this is your problem. I am running 12v straight to it with a 2amp fuse.....no diodes.

[ 10-27-2002: Message edited by: Maverick ]</p>

10-28-2002, 08:47
The diode is to isolate it from the parking lights. I was trying to set it up to run off the new alarm/remote start I just installed. I put in the CS-2015FM. :D Took 2 days and a bunch of head scratching. The plan was to power the high idle switch load side off the alarm, so if I did not remember to turn on the switch, it would be taken care of. Then I was going to put in a relay to hit set on cruise and bingo, remote high idle. I also thought the diode might be my problem, so I temp wired around it with no luck. My next plan is to run the wire to a switch and hook to the battery. I know it has to be something I did or didn't do right. :( I reread all of the high idle switch posts last night and it appears all 02 have to punch the set switch twice, but no one commented on if you have to do the same thing with resume/accel. Any 02 owners willing to give me some feedback? :confused:

Thanks again,

10-28-2002, 10:44
I have a 2002 and DO NOT have to hit the Resume button twice to get the 1800RPM. I DO have to hit the set button twice to get the 1200RPM though.

The bogging down things sounds like when I am driving and then turn the High Idle switch on, the engine bogs down. Which equates ot the "poor drivablitly" that is in the instructions. But that has never happened when in park on mine.

I also have a set of instructions from dmaxster that he gave me to run the high idle form a remote start. Let me know if you want a copy to compare yours to his.

10-28-2002, 10:52

Yes, I would like dmaxster's instructions. I have decided to get the high idle working before I try and interface it with the remote start. Go ahead and get the horse so to speak.

Thanks for the response on the two push.


10-28-2002, 11:30
Send me your email address and I'll forward it onto you. Mine is:


10-28-2002, 12:43
Email address sent.

10-29-2002, 09:23
Last night I cut out all of the diodes and hooked up the switch again. Nothing, not even the bogging I was getting. So, I have decided I messed up something and want to replace the wire and pin to the ECM. I just have to figure out how to get the pin back out. :rolleyes: I know it's in there good, just doesn't seem to be making a good connection. Anyone else tried to pull a pin?


10-30-2002, 14:22
Update: I updated the program on my scanner and plugged it in. It's a cheapy compared to JK's Tech 2. Anyway, one of the 9 variables I can see is the PTO. It says it is not enabled. I put voltage to pin 71 and it is flickering between enabled and not enabled. Has anyone looked at what a scanner says for PTO when the high idle switch is on? I would think that it sould say enabled all of the time. I plan on changing the pin out tonight and seeing what it says. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I hope someone has cured this before and can tell me how.

10-30-2002, 19:33
With the new pin and wire installed, the enabled and not enabled response on the scanner is now solid and matching with the switch. I went ahead and temp mounted the switch so I can take it to the dealer and have them program per the Bulliten 53. I have to get them to look at (read get on the record) the idle pulse anyway.
Thanks to all who helped me out with this and kept my sanity plus my sense of humor. :D

10-30-2002, 20:13
chuntag95 (Chris)

FWIW...when my hi-idle switch is on..
I DO see the 'PTO enable' variable ON..(solid)

11-06-2002, 10:54
Reprograming worked according to the dealer. Will go get it at lunch. They charged me $65 bucks to do it. I asked them for a discount due to training their technicians and they knocked of $20 bucks. It was $85! :eek:
I'll go get it at lunch and verify. I asked for the set to be 1100 and the resume to be 1400. We shall see.

11-06-2002, 12:31

I'm pleased to hear that programming fixed the problem (or so you're told). Adds a new twist to the high idle install :eek:

I do not remember anyone else needing the fast idle switch programmed by the Tech2 for it to work correctly :confused: Always a first time.

Is your truck a late 2002? I'm wondering if GM changed the factory programming? Or is this going to be one of a few isolated cases? If more forum members report this problem we'll know for sure...


11-06-2002, 13:36
IT WORKS!!! :D :D :D The reprogram worked and I have high idle. Now all I have to do is get it working with the remote start. I think I will do the heated seats too.
Mdrag, mine is an early 2002. Got it on Oct 10 of 2002. I'll have to check the build date. It figures that I have the only truck that needs to be reprogrammed to work. Just my luck. :rolleyes:
They did a reflash for the idle pulsing, so we will see how that goes. They were supposed to do it last time, so ....
No fuel leaks found, so I'll just have to keep checking when I smell fuel.
Thanks to all who helped and encouraged. :D

[ 11-06-2002: Message edited by: chuntag95 (Chris) ]</p>

04-06-2003, 09:52
I just wired the high idle and it doesn't work. My '02 was built on 5/10/02, so is it possible that I need the truck reprogrammed as well?

When I push Set, the check battery message comes on for an instant and the engine very briefly revs and then returns to normal idle speed.

What software version do I need them to upgrade my TCM to for high idle to work?

What's this bulleting 53?

04-06-2003, 10:03

I have a 01 so not entirely what your looking for .....

I can just verify I don't have all the updates and mine worked right out of the box so to speak.....

The puzzling incident is the Check Battery light as maybe your creating a short? Never seen this in 01,02 or 03....

I would double check wiring and make sure good contact with pin 71 is being made.....Check continuity in your switch ......I had a bad momentary switch when I did my OD lock out.....


04-06-2003, 15:28
I didn't have to reprogram mine after install to get it to work either. Like most, I had the busy shift problem programmed for and that postured it for the high speed idle ~ think it even said so on the tech bulletin.

04-06-2003, 20:49
You need a reprogram of the idle constants. Your truck is doing the exact same thing mine did. Drove me nuts. Took out the pin, changed the pin, the wire, the switch, etc. Took it to the stealer with the Bull #53. Marked the settings I wanted instead of the default. Cost me $60 labor for the reprogram of those 3 constants. Sad I had to pay for them to learn how to use the Tech2. Should have taken 5 minutes. Oh well. Save yourself the pain and frustration and go to the dealer. You probably did everything right like me.


04-06-2003, 21:17
Thanks guys, I'll take it to the stealer. I hope he will hook me up for free. My left rear outer axle seal is leaking and one of my idler pulleys is wobbly, so I have to take the truck in anyway.

Funny thing is that my entire PCM has been replaced twice already, so I would have thought it had the proper software version already, but who knows how long these "new" PCMs had been sitting around...

I wired C-71 to the pin F on brake switch so that high idle is enabled anytime the trans is in park.

I also installed my 2nd alternator this weekend, which was convenient to do while the blue connector was off, since it connects to C-32 on the same connector. The dual alternators are working great. It was when I started the truck back up and checked that the serp belt was on correctly that I noticed one of the idler pulleys had a bad wobble to it.
