View Full Version : J Kennedy Please Set This Guy Straight

01-31-2003, 00:03
Mods don't hate me for this.

Kennedy go over to Pickuptruck.com and set this guy straight. I tried to defend you but this guy won't let up. Look at the post:"Re: When is GM going to up the Duramax....."

01-31-2003, 00:31
It would be MUCH better for those who have experienced JK's great service and used his fine products to respond there.

01-31-2003, 02:55
There's one guy, and possibly a friend of his, who have multiple names on a couple of forums. Neither forum has anywhere near the wealth of info we have. They have a much lower "signal to noise ratio" to put it nicely.

I once got suckered into an argument with one of the multiple personalities and was then attacked by the same person, using a different personality.

The best way to counter those who would commit fraud, deception and spread lies is to spread the truth and not slander anyone else. I vote with my wallet, and I firmly believe that John Kennedy is first and foremost an honest diesel enthusiast, and a vendor second. In all of his posts that I've read, he's given great advice, shared his experience, corrected people nicely without mentioning names (Thank you!), given unbiased appraisal of different products he's tested and even convinced people to give another vendor the benefit of the doubt, the other vendor was at the mercy of the mfr.

I've seen him give a customer the benefit of his and his other customers' expertise on an install. He's mailed out a part purchased for his own truck to a customer for a warranty return. I'm sure there are hundreds of other untold stories of him going the extra mile for all of us. As much as he's on the phone, or answering questions here or working on a project, either his wife is the most patient person in the world, or she's glad he's busy. ;)

Never once have I seen him push a product on someone or give unsolicited advice. Never once have I seen him write "buy it from me" or "don't buy it from them". He never badmouths anyone.

I've read (nearly) every single post on this forum since Aug. 2001, and searched thru hundreds prior. This is what I remember from all that I've read, and I've got a pretty good memory. I call things as I see them, good, bad, ugly. I don't owe John Kennedy anything, and I shill for no one (since I'm not a celebrity. ;) )

The easiest way to set others straight is to point them to this website. Tell them to do a search for "JK" or "Kennedy". They'll figure it out for themselves pretty quick. Nobody else can please this many people for any length of time. Especially this tough crowd. The way you guys research/pick apart: oil, oil filters, tranny fluid, air filters, power boxes, fuel additives, tires, stereos, exhausts, brake controllers, lift kits, radar detectors, rain gutters, speeding ticket strategies....LOL

Now the bad part. He's definitely not giving Bill Gates any nightmares in the billionaire race. But on the other hand, I bet he sleeps a lot better at night than Bill. There are more important things than money.

Regards, Steve

01-31-2003, 08:09
You could not have put it better about JK. I strongly second your remarks.

01-31-2003, 08:22
I've made the the mistake (?) of responding to that yoyo on several occasions, but I couldn't sit by and watch this yutz slander JK when all I know is that he's been very cordial and helpful to me whenever I've called or e-mailed. Anybody who responds to him in support of JK is accused of being a 'salesman for' and 'on the payroll of'. Well, if good service and products speak for themselves, I'll soon have a rig full of Kennedy Diesel products on it, and it'll be another rolling business card for John Kennedy. Bill W(h)ineberg's trashing of JK has convinced me to invest in his exhaust, headlight booster harness, and other stuff. Great guy to deal with, that John Kennedy!

[ 01-31-2003: Message edited by: GMC D-Max ]</p>

Kent Tuttle
01-31-2003, 08:38
I also second what Steve has posted, nicely put! I'm just glad this guy is not around on this forum.

01-31-2003, 09:45
I also agree, service from John has been excellent. This is specifically why I chose him over other vendors.

The best response to those types of posts is no response. As tough as it may be, just ignore them, they serve no purpose and a responsible buyer isn't going to lend any credit/credibility to someone with an obvious chip on their shoulder. There are several old adages that come to mind...
"what do you get when you argue with a fool? the same."
"wrestling with pigs gets you both muddy, but the pig likes it"

01-31-2003, 09:59
It sounds like Mr. Whineyburg himself is a better advertisement for JK than he ever could have imagined. Most of us know we can't dis our buddy and get away with it around here.

By the way, Steve- to some of us you are a celebrity around here too. you provide a lot of good stuff.



01-31-2003, 10:12
I'll clink my glass (or bottle) with the rest of you.Blake

01-31-2003, 10:36
I cringed when I had to fork over some dough to join this forum. Now I know why and glad I did. Keeps the riff raff out and makes a more enjoyable site. After all who wants to pay to be a clown when they can do their crap for free somewhere else?

01-31-2003, 10:59
My Druamax died right after I put the juice on. Had it towed. It turned out to be an aux tank fuel starving problem. Having just put the juice on 5 minutes before this happened, I call JK from side of road. He helped immensely, and also followed up the next day with me. You just DON'T see that kind of customer service anywhere. JK's got his head screwed on right, and if I need something and can buy from him....I gonna.

01-31-2003, 11:06
I've reported this guy to the mods over there before. It all originates from a guy in SoCal who uses the forums like a CB radio. To hide behind the anonymity. Some day I will find him...

01-31-2003, 11:29
Off topic....

What's the difference between a vacuum cleaner and a motorcycle?

[ 01-31-2003: Message edited by: hoot ]</p>

01-31-2003, 11:36
Hope you do find him JK. :D :D :D

01-31-2003, 12:26
I've run into this moron on a couple of different boards as well. I too got sucked into an argument with him. He is not a nice guy. I'm glad to see that PUTC deleted his comments on that thread.

As was mentioned, if you run into this guy, just let it go. If you start arguing with him, there will be no end. I got into it with him on the diesel forum of coloradok5.com, where he just poppped in one day and started bashing JK up one side and down the other. I yelled at him quite a bit, and he finally left. I hope he's gone for good. I think he finally gave up when he realized that 95% of the members over there drive 6.2L n/a diesels....not the kind of trucks that JK usually caters to anyway!!


01-31-2003, 13:20
I think we should organize a posse......


I'm a new member but I've been reading the forum for a long time. The information and education gained here lead directly to me buying my Duramax......I've read a lot of JK's 4,065 posts. He's an enthusiast first and foremost. 4,065 posts

01-31-2003, 13:53
Hoot: vacumn cleaner has dirt bag on the inside, motorcycle has dirt bag on out side. I should know I own 2 Harleys. smile.gif

01-31-2003, 14:10
I heard it yesterday for the first time. Cracked me up. No foul intended smile.gif

01-31-2003, 14:30
I was gonna respond with "one sucks, and the other blows", but then sanity (and a real desire to continue living) got ahold of me!

I've got a few hog ridin' friends, and they're some of the best and nicest "dirtbags" you'll ever find!

01-31-2003, 15:46

They deleted his earlier posts, but now he's back at it again. I swear, this one guy has to be the most annoying person I've ever "met" in my life. I wish he would get a life, instead of spouting off about JK so much. That seems to be his one ambtion, his pure reason for living. What a waste.


01-31-2003, 16:25
Well this thread has been good for one thing...

Reminds me to go over to KennedyDiesel and do some more shopping! :cool: :D


01-31-2003, 16:37
The best defense with someone of that caliber and character who has nothing but an unspecified ax to grind is no offense....If you don't respond it will take ALL the fun out of it for him !!!!!

As long as someone responds "IT" will continue, it's a game to them.....


01-31-2003, 18:16
Hoot, that is a bad joke , just like this one: Do you know what Motorcycles(insert brand here) and German Shepards have in commin?

They both like to ride in the back of pickup trucks.. :D

For the topic,JK seems like a straight shooter to me.. smile.gif

a bear
01-31-2003, 19:16
My opinion is never based on what I here about someone. Just from what I experience personally. Don't need advice from some A-- H--- disgruntled salesman either. :mad: JK seems honest to me. Nothing to make me believe otherwise.

kerry witherspoon
01-31-2003, 20:39
Well guys have been on this message board for a while,never met j.k but as a heavy duty mechanic and my own experiances,His posts are honest well thought out ,He is trying to improve things for all of us,i expect he spends a great deal of time and his own money in the process. We all should aplaud his efort, i hope that at some duramax event i can meet J.K . But untill then i respect his work input ,he is above all a truck lover like us all. He may sell prouducts for our trucks but most were derived by his own drive to inprove his own truck.

01-31-2003, 22:53
I dropped by that forum and looked thru that topic a bit.

Or maybe I was on the World Wrestling Federation page.

Hard to tell.



02-01-2003, 19:07

I'm not a member over there but why do the mods let this guy carry on like that??

JK, did you do something to this guys sister to make him that mad at you?? smile.gif

02-02-2003, 18:45
Getting to know John Kennedy is among the better things I have gained from being on this forum (and I've gotten a great deal of help, insight and support).

As I have moved through life I have occasionally come across a stretch of pond scum. When I've bothered to spend any time at all contemplating the pond scum I have always ended up voicing a resounding @@$* type word before moving on with out much other comment. I have never missed having a detailed relationship with pond scum and I don't have any heartburn ignoring this guy either, after all, if it looks like pond scum, smells like pond scum, etc. it must be .......

Keep up the good work JK.


02-04-2003, 10:05
it looks like to me the jk does not have to say or do a thing , he lets his service do the talking and that is the best way to do it. that the differents between class and trash. he has done good by a lot of poeple and that shows right here. ;) smile.gif :cool: