View Full Version : Problem - Dealer won't fix because of aftermarket exhaust!!!

10-23-2002, 14:56
Well, I have spent $200 for two different dealers to figure out what my problem is and I cannot get any help. Here is the scoop.

The truck is running very rich causing blue smoke from time to time, but you can smell the rich condition always. The Tech II shows injector pulse widths at above 2.5 (high limit according to tech), but it is not always the same injector. I do not have any codes so the service tech call for support.

It seems that the first dealer informed the GM tech and indicated possible power box was used, but not present and I had an aftermarket exhaust. This red flagged my truck and the second dealer was told if there are no codes, do not to investigate any further. Of course I raised holly hell to no avail.

I guess I have to wait until the truck takes a total dump before they will help.

Could there be another problem I am over looking? I thought of the fuel filter and I will be changing it as soon as my new one comes in, but I do get good fuel from very reputable station and it has about 10000 miles on it.

Any suggestions or comments would be greatly appreciated.


10-23-2002, 15:08
If possible put the stock exhaust back on and see if the problem continues. If it does take it to the dealer and tell them that it is now back to the stock configuration and is still causeing the problem. According to the law THEY have to prove that the aftermarket exhaust is causing the problem.... :rolleyes:

10-23-2002, 15:15
Bummer.... I assume one of these dealers is the one who sold you the truck. I would call the customer service manager (not the service writter manager) and ask them to step in and resolve the matter. Tell them for the service writer to assume
a power box was used is pure speculation unless he has proof. Without the proof it is a non issue and it should not even be brought up. As for the exhaust, when did that become an issue? Do they expect you to never replace the exhaust system regardles of the condition? You have every right to replace the factory exhaust system and it's not like you want them to do any exhaust work under warranty. You did run over some debris in the road and damaged it didn't you? it had to be replaced.

You need to pick the best dealer of the bunch and turn up the heat. Call GM Customer service if the local Customer service manager refuses to solve the problem.

It sounds to me like these dealers are not up to speed on the Diesel and are trying to take the easy way out. If htye can't fix it tell them you will take it somewhere that knows what they are doing and send GM the bill, especially if it turns out to be one of the GM components taht is causing the problem.

Good Luck

10-23-2002, 18:28

I'm with ChevysRus....That is ridiculous......Go up the chain .....One other guy ran into the same problem with gauges once.....Denied and accused of having a performance box of sorts....I don't know the out come as he never did get back to us as I remember....It was an injector problem but leaking I think.....

I have saved every piece I've taken off my Dmax just in case, but I really don't see the need....My basement is starting to look like a parts store pipes hanging from the floor rafters it aint pretty.....

I think it won't matter unless you do change back "BEFORE" you bring it in as they will just say it still caused it after the fact.....

Who is gonna do that?????

Not I .....Keep us informed.....As lawyers say CASE HISTORY....


10-23-2002, 20:11
The blue haze sounds like an injector problem. You got some real dumb *ss service writers over there (most everywhere). Exhaust......what a joke. Tell him if he was smart he should pull all the glow plugs (label each one from its cylinder)and see if one is saturated with fuel. Then replace that injector. That was my problem at 98,000. No problem....covered 100% under warranty.

10-24-2002, 00:46
What are these crappy dealers going to come up with next???? :mad:

If anyone's going to destroy the Dmax's bright future, it'll be the poor service and various BS these dealers are putting their customers thru.

Rant off.. :D

I have to agree with the others, it's definitely an injector problem.

10-24-2002, 05:31
Where do they get these guys??
I swear you could go to 10 diff. stealers and get 10 diff. stories. I lose a little more "brand loyalty" everyday I hear ***t like this.

This is what service writer told me,
"Bigger exhaust? Sure why not, free-flowing, lower egt's, more power, better economy, and probably help the truck last longer"
I couldn't believe it, what's this? .......common sense......where'd that come from.....hang on....they're tring to trick me.....

Anyway, get that red flag removed. That is BULLSHI*. Just because one moron "thinks" you had a power box?
Prove it Skippy, how about I shove a power box up y...., Then you'll be able to properly identify a power box :eek:

Now, the worst part, you have to go up the chain to get your truck fixed :mad:

Oh yeah, get that $200 back too :mad:

10-24-2002, 05:41
Thanks for all the replies, now I have a hair up my A** :mad: , I am going right to the GM tech today.

I will let you know how it goes.


10-24-2002, 08:04
Use the search feature to look for Magnuson-Moss act. It does offer us protection when we install aftermarket parts, even the Juice (or whatever). As a practical matter, the dealer does hold the cards, but it is also incumbent upon him to PROVE that the part in question actually caused the failure.

Kent Tuttle
10-24-2002, 08:11
You might try SEMA's site about warranty issues:

10-24-2002, 12:09
Update - I spoke with a girl at Customer Assistance 1-800-222-1020. She put me on hold while she talked to both dealers. The dealer I bought my truck from and the first one to diagnosis my issue, stated there was a power module on the truck causing the injector ms to be off and when I brought my truck in 4 days later to be fixed they said the power module was off and it was fine. I know for a fact there was no power module on the truck during either time I was at the dealer and I told her that. She asked if there was ever a power module on the truck? Smart guy that I am, I said NO.

She then explains the dealer would fix the problem if they can duplicate my condition, but the dealer said they do not see any blue smoke and I have no codes so there is nothing they will do. Then she proceeds to tell me if it occurs again and the dealer gets into it and feels any aftermarket part was a result of the condition, it will void my warrenty. I informed her as long as they can prove to me that it was the exhaust that caused the problem, I can except that.

Gotta love dealers.

The saga continues.


10-24-2002, 23:03
Diesels do not run rich or lean as a gas engine does. Diesel is not limited to such a narrow range of acceptable mixtures like gasoline is. Basically, idle is lean and full throttle is rich.

Colorado Kid
10-25-2002, 08:57
Yes, but...blue smoke (in a diesel) is unburned fuel which means it got into the cumbustion chamber at the wrong time....injector problem.

The Old Cummins 555 (Triple-Nickle) V-8 was notorious for this problem. They would dribble fuel in when they weren't supposed to and make eye burning - lung searing blue smoke at anything less than full power...and I LIKE the smell of diesel fumes.