View Full Version : Dura,max is just sitting in the Garage

10-15-2002, 21:17
No problem with my truck. I just had heart bypass surgery and the Dr. won't let me drive for a month. What a bummer.


10-15-2002, 21:23
You can always go out and listen to the radio, right?

10-16-2002, 03:35
WOW !!!!!!!!

Even the Doc's no it's HEART RACING FUN to drive a DURAMAX!!!!!!!!

Hope all is well soon......

MAC smile.gif :D

10-16-2002, 03:55
always good to hear of surgery going well .... your D'max will be there when you are ready, on the positive side, your warranty is bound to last longer this way!! .... Jim

10-16-2002, 04:32
Tell the doc that it's:

The Heart Beat of the USA, Chevrolet


10-16-2002, 10:39
It is a well known fact that the mental health of a patient is crucial for a successful recovery - I recommend that you get a script for the SUPER Juice and use it liberally as part of your treatment.
Good Luck!!!!!!

Heartbeat Hauler
10-16-2002, 11:41
Hope your recovery continues to go well. AS for the truck I guess my user name says it all ;)

10-16-2002, 12:02
Hey there Millietom, I went through that procedure about 6 years ago and haven't stopped since. Walked in to the hospital on a Monday Morning, finished by noon, awake by 3:00pm, outta bed by 8:00pm, Took my first walk on Tuesday, did the flight of stairs on Wed. couldn't leave until I took a dump which took longer than anything else, home thursday afternoon, went to a car show Sat. and walked around slowly, wife had to drive the '39 Chev. 10 days later on a plane to Atlanta for the Olympics, back to work soon as I got home from Atlanta and been burning up life in the fast lane ever since. Feel like I got a second chance and not wasting anymore time. If there is something I or we want to do, we don't hesitate, just go do it cause you never know.........

Now as for that truck, I know this is probably going against the grain, but hey no one said your wife can't drive you a round a little. Besides you have an airbag and your chest heals all the way in 10 days. (You can't drive because they don't want you to hit your chest on the steering column until it heals up in case of an accident).

Anyway, get it in gear and hit the ground running as soon as you can. Count your blessings as you were in the 30% group that had the problem fixed. there's another 30% group out there that don't know they have a problem. I can't remember what the other 40% is, but it is not good.

OK, get back to your life ASAP!

10-16-2002, 13:02
Thanks for the posts guys. The only reason I posted here is because I wasn't getting any sympathy at home and I knew you guys would know what it to be Duramax deprived.

Bypass surgery is just a passage in time these days.


10-18-2002, 17:24

Hang in there buddy and you will be back DMAXing down the road before you know it.
Wife and I went through Townsend last month driving from Helena to Bozeman and had breakfast on Sunday morning at your little restraunt. Best food we had on the whole month long trip.

email me at dogshowdad@aol.com as I want to hear more about Townsend.

Mike G.
10-18-2002, 18:00
MILLIETOM, Glad your surgery went well and your on the road to a good recovery....I know how you feel without your truck. I've been without mine since May 24th (not my choice...GM's) Should have a new one soon. They're a fun truck to drive, or I wouldn't of waited this long....Hope your out on the road soon.....Mike G.

10-18-2002, 22:56
Hey there Milletom, didn't realize you were from Townsend, MT. About 13 years ago I went thru there and there was an old car junkyard there run/owned by a guy who went all over Montana buying up all the old cars sitting in fields and behind barns. He brought them all to his shop and junkyard in Townsend and either fixed /restored them or sold them as is.

Is that place still there???????

I bought my 1939 Chevy from that guy in 1989.
Always wanted to go back, but never had a chance.
It was a great Junkyard, tons of old cars, just about anything you could want.

Take Care

10-19-2002, 07:21
To ChevysRus,

I have only lived in Townsend for five years. The junk yard you referred to is no longer here. I used to live in Helena and I think I remember it.


10-19-2002, 21:23
OK thanks, another case of you can never go back and "we are not in Kansas anymore Toto" LOL

Well that was a great operation that guy had going there, Townsend Motors it was called. Well life moves on doesn't it!

Thanks for the followup and you must be felling better and about ready to get back to normal by now.

All the best to ya! :D