View Full Version : Stock Air Box Modifications ?s

Heartbeat Hauler
01-24-2003, 14:09
Hi Guys,
I have searched on this subject and I found a ton of stuff of what to do, but not why to do it. I have an 01 with one hole in the side and a connection to the fender well. Some of the posts say to cover the hole in the fender well and cut out the whole side of the air box. Well, I was kinda chicken to do this so I have installed an AMSOIL airfilter and I bored some holes in the front side of the box below the filter line. I have also added a few holes to the bottom to facilitate better draining. I guess my question is why plug the hole in the fender well and what do you do with the oblong tube that is inside the air box?

01-24-2003, 14:36
Heartbeat, the removal of the fender snorkle was a *factory* mod to stop the Max from sucking water in heavy rain!! All the '02s up and some late-build '01s (like mine) came with the snorkle tube removed and a sticky silver metal tape patch over the hole in the sheetmetal. It's not necesary to cut the side out of the box. The open hole in the fender side of the box will suck enough (water-free) air from the engine compartment, but I'd get that snorkle disconnected before you suck up some water! Dealer should do it for you on a TSB if you're still under warranty.

Heartbeat Hauler
01-24-2003, 15:22
Thanks for the info. I'm not sure I want to go to the dealer since I ah modified the box(read drilled holes in it). What about the tube inside the box? Should that be removed also when I get rid of the snorkle?
Thanks again

01-24-2003, 15:36
Heartbeat Hauler,

There are actually two snorkles.. They are on top of each other which makes it look like just one..

I have an early one myself.... I removed the snorkles myself, The two holes are still in the fender.. Seen way to many of those fender covers come loose and get stuck in the Air-filter...

01-25-2003, 06:02
I've got one of the early '01 and have thought about this question as well. I ended up drilling the airbox to both facilitate better air flow and allow any water that might get in to drain. So far I have not noticed any water - no staining of the paper filter. I left the snorkles in place because I like the idea of getting forced fresh air to the filter - maybe a little "Ram Air" effect on the highway. I think driving in city traffic on those hot summer days with the fender blocked off, you'd only get hot under hood air. Just my opinion.

01-25-2003, 08:30
My opinion too..

Heartbeat Hauler
01-28-2003, 06:54
Hmmmm...that makes sense. I just removed my snorkles...I guess I ought to put them back on. I was wondering why the lower snorkle extended all the way in to the middle of the airbox. Any benefit? I haven't really noticed any difference with the snorkles off (half tank of fuel). And I certainly don't want any tape in the box (used to cover hole). Oh by the way, I appreciate the responses. Thanks.

01-28-2003, 08:35
If you leave the snorkels in, and shoot holes in the box, you are essentially trying to ram air into a sieve...

I don't really care for breathing from underhood, BUT the filter doesn't see near as much road debris this way. I wouldn't be afraid to use the block off panel, but make darn sure it is clean so it sticks.

The only additional openings that I do to the stock box is removing a large, forward facing triangular area with my die grinder. If the area entering the box is equal to or larger than the filter area we are in good shape...

Heartbeat Hauler
01-28-2003, 11:27
well I have already done the holes, so I am pretty much committed to that. I see your point about ramming the air into a sieve. Could it actually cause a negative pressure in the box? That would suck...no pun intended. When I took the original paper filter out and installed the AMSOIL part, I noticed quite a bit of sand, bugs, and just a tad bit of water. This was in the "from the factory config." My delemma is I like the idea of ram air, I hate the fact I may have negated the effect due to drilling. I think I will do some fuel mileage experiments to see what happens with and without the snorkles. It ain't rocket science, but it sure is fun.