View Full Version : Opinions regarding various programmers...

Phase 3
08-06-2004, 21:03
I'd like to install one of these systems. From what I've researched, and heard from experts, there's a lot of un-tapped potential in these engines.

I have no real reason for increasing performance other than the occasional thrill now and then. I'm concerned about stressing components so I'm not looking for performance at the expense of reliability or other headaches. Mileage is also something I don't want to sacrifice unless the benefits justify it. It's amazing what you can achieve on a cost-per-HP/Torque scale compared to gas engines.

I'm interested in what's fool proof and works and what I should be cautious about in terms of new to market, not yet proven systems.

I've looked at these systems:

Rolling Big Power
Edge Attitude

All of these offer similar gains, but what is the most effective and proven for the DMAX?

Thanks in advance.

08-07-2004, 06:28
Look to the DP Pull Off article for another choice, and my personal favorite.

Granatelli was just rebadging, not sure about Rolling Big Power.

08-07-2004, 09:04
I have recently been using the same box that JK mentions above with impressive results while towing my 5er. IMO, it tows better then the Edge box. For good feel and package, I like the Edge units as the Attitude monitor will double as gauges which are highly recommended anytime a enhancment device is used.

Phase 3
08-07-2004, 19:06

Which is your personal favorite(VanAaken)? I see a few systems on your site.

08-09-2004, 06:14
I've been favoring the VA as of late. Smooth, seamless power, and very linear in application. Keep the power levels down for a stock transmission though. The latest performance files were tuned in house (By VA and myself) on my chassis dyno, and are much more to my liking than the early tunes...