View Full Version : AFE Pro Guard 7

David Proske
04-10-2005, 18:52
I installed a Pro Guard 7 element in my intake system. I had been running the 4-ply filter with the pre-filter wrap. I have been driving in dusty conditions lately and wanted more protection.

Is the pre-filter needed with the 7-ply filter? I have it on there now and haven't set the filter minder any so may leave it there. Sure can't hurt any. BTW- the prefilter previously had coked up with oily dust and set the filter minder all the way to RED, so i guess it does its job. Thats why I went with the PG-7; just too many construction sights around here making dust clouds.

My last oil sample IIRC showed a silicon reading of 7ppm, thats with the 4 ply blue filter. I will take another sample with this PG-7 and see if its any lower.

04-11-2005, 10:34
The prefilter is a good idea to keep the big junk like bugs and leafs out of the pleats.

Hard to beat a 7ppm silicon. My results were 45ppm with that filter. Haven't tried a PG7. I went back to the Uni.

Seth McKinney
04-11-2005, 14:12
John -- what's with all the fuss over the AC Delco filter at the other site? You say the unifoam is the best. Can you offer some explanation? Why is silicon the tell tell measurement?

Also what does IIRC mean?

04-11-2005, 14:21
IIRC is If I Recall Correctly

My personal experience has been that foam filters work best. Most ATV and dirt bike mfr's use foam filters for a reason. I've seen the test results etc from many different people and there's a ton of debate. All I will say is that I've seen very low silicon levels with the Uni.

Silicon content can be used as a measure of how much dirt is entering the engine as this dirt can pass the rings and get to the oil.

I've seen Greg from Lube Specialit perform a test like the one linked below with the same results. MP also did a foam filters test sevearl years ago, and before there was an Amsoil advertiser here so there was no bias there. My results agree with these tests.


David Proske
04-11-2005, 14:24
Silicon is dirt. The ppm of silicon in the oil tells you how much dirt your air filter is letting in.

John, how many miles were on your motor and what what the drain intervel when you saw 45ppm? I'll have to dig out my old analysis to confirm that mine was that low, though I do know it wasn't over 12.

04-12-2005, 04:33
I've done samples every 5-8k for some time now. The last one was in the 60k range somewhere. Consistent single digits for several tests prior.