View Full Version : First Fuel Filter Change
11-28-2003, 17:22
I am about to due my first fuel filter change on my 03 GMC D/A. It looks like it might be a tough job in the sense that there isn't much room to manuver in around the filter. A couple of guys said they went in through the wheel well, but that seems like alot of work to just change the filter, while others said it is easier to just move the battery out of the way. Does anyone have any suggestions that will make this as painless as possible? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
JMCGMC :rolleyes:
This artical by member 9404 dmaxallitech should discribe the best method for filter removal. There has been mention of pulling the a/c tube to one side for top removal, if you do be careful, I personally undo from the top and remove at the wheel well, just lift the wheel well mud flap and remove. Follow the wires at the bottom of the filter to the wiring harness to a plug, just squeeze the plug sides and pull to disconnect.;f=3;t=005699
good luck
11-29-2003, 13:40
Thanks for the info Letsgo. I will follow dmaxallitech's suggestions for removal and installations. I have been told be a couple of diesel mechanics to fill the filter with diesel fuel prior to installing, then prime with pump. Have you ever done this or is it not necessary?
Once again thanks for all the help! Now I just need to do it!
When you prime it will fill the filter for you...
It took me maybe 30-40 pumps and I was ready to rock!
I did the same as Spartus, NO PROBLEM. keep your bill for the filter, write down miles, and weather for the day, why???? The onus is on you to prove you changed the fuel filter (challenge from GMC) every 15,000 miles or less, I prefer to change at 10,000 miles, just somthing I picked up on the TDP,
12-06-2003, 12:14
Well, I did the fuel filter change from the top, and I didn't think it was that bad of a job. The toughest part was getting the filter off. Putting the filter back on was fairly easy, but I wasn't sure how tight it needed to be. I used an oil filter wrench to snug it up and all went well. It took about 45 minutes. I think I can do it in about 30 minutes now that I've done it and learned a few tricks. After priming she fired right up, no problems! Thanks to all the guys who responded to my original post, the info. and advice you provided was invaluable.
12-08-2003, 10:29
I just changed my fuel filter for the first time (10,500 miles). Like most others, I accessed it throught the fenderwell. All went well on the replacement. However, when trying to restart, it took about 30 seconds of cranking before it started. And yes, before cranking I primed the filter by opening the bleeder screw and pumping until fuel seeped out. Is it normal to take this long to start?
12-08-2003, 13:21
DIESELMAX403, it shouldn't take any extra cranking if fully primed. You might have gotten a "bubble" of fuel and still had some air. I usually pump out a bit of fuel (shop rag is important to sop up the spillage) and then shut the bleed screw and pump a few more times until I can feel resistance in the pump to make sure the fuel line downstream is fueled. I've made four filter changes (going to do number 5 any day now) and it always fired right up after priming.
12-10-2003, 05:07
Thanks for the reply. I did pump a few times with fuel seeping out of the bleeder, but I did not pump after closing the screw. Even though the manual does not tell you to pump a few more times after closing the bleeder screw, this makes sense. I will try on my next filter change.
Thanks again,
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