View Full Version : Water Leak Found

Forced Induction
05-13-2003, 05:19
While changing my oil last eve I noticed some anti-freeze on the stabilizer arm, uh oh :( That didn't make me happy. I followed the river up and looks like the weep hole on the water pump!! I only have 12k on the truck and didn't want to bring it in just yet, but maybe I'll get lucky and get a tech who knows what there doing with this engine.

Question is, do I need to remove my K&N for this service or will they let it go. I don't see how they could relate an air filter to a water leak but you never know. I also plan on reporting my 4wd problems, but I doubt they will find anything. If nothing else it will be on record if anything happens in the future, which I'm sure it will!
Did anyone else have this problem with their pump?? I searched but didn't see too many.



I may have to step up to the hot juice while I have it off. :rolleyes:

05-13-2003, 06:18
Mine was replaced at 18,000 miles. Had cold startup squeak then leakage.

05-13-2003, 06:24
water pump at 36000.......been leaking for a while
k&n should not be a problem :D dave

05-13-2003, 07:15
Sorry to hear that Jason....keep us posted (and send me your juice to try out ;) )

Forced Induction
05-20-2003, 08:44
Spoke with the dealer over the weekend. They agree that the water pump is leaking and have ordered one which should arrive on tuesday (today), and hopefully they will get it in today or tommorow.
As for my 4wd problem, "Nothing Wrong" noise and vibration, and pulling to the right is normal. Yea right! But atleast when the transfer case breaks, it will be on record that there was already a problem. Go figure, that is the response I expected anyway. I can't blame them, since they don't want to start replacing the drivetrain without knowing the real problem. I'll find the problem and bring it back when it is more evident. They even highlighted parts of the owners manual that says T/H should NOT be used unless towing, it will create noise and poor fuel economy. Same with 4wd section, do not use on dry pavement, noise, excessive tire wear, and poor fuel economy will result.
I also reported my belt sqeak, to try and get a new belt, "Could not duplicate complaint". Oh well, maybe I'll squeak it for them when I pick it up, hehehehe smile.gif


Turbo Al
05-20-2003, 14:18
Forced Induction: When I first got my truck it made a lot of noise and vibration (not as much as some out there) esp. at the 58 to 62 mph range. It is as smooth as silk now BUT I do use it alot approx. 5,000 miles on the 4x4 now 24,000 on the truck. Another note is that it had a lot of gray sludge (metal filings) when I changed it out the first timwe.