View Full Version : K&N Filter Charger

05-09-2003, 22:12
A while back there was a lot of dicussion about the SES light coming on with the K&N filter charger kit. In part of that discussion someone talked about taping one end of the filter as suggested by a factory rep and it would reduce air flow and the SES would not come on.

I think I have stumbled onto something and don't know for sure if it makes sense or not. I am living temporarily in Amarillo, TX which is a 3600 ft altitude. My home is in Ft Worth which is about 500-600 ft altitude. When I leave Amarillo and stop anywhere around 1000 ft are so the SES light comes on and stays on until I go to FW and then back to Amarillo and drive a couple of days in Amarillo. The light goes off and stays off no matter how hard I run the truck until I repeat the trip.

It makes me think that the air density (altitude change) is turning on the SES. The denser air going to lower altitude seems to trigger it. It may account for the reduced air flow by taping the end of the filter also keeping it off.

What do you guys think? Is the air density the problem?


05-09-2003, 22:24
maybe, but shouldnt be a problem. Vehicles have for maybe 15-20 years been able to adjust for that. Those old 70's vehicles used to have problems with altitude 'sickness', but the panhandle isnt going uphill that much. You been letting Silver Bullet turn wrenches under your hood?? That would be where I looked first.... tongue.gif

05-10-2003, 18:19
The performance is not affected it is just the SES light coming on. I agree it is not much change but sometimes these sensors don't seem to need much. Just curious because it repeats itself the same way every trip. If it was only occassional I might not pay too much attention to it. Machinery acts funny sometimes.


05-11-2003, 20:57
Tom.. do you have a GPS or map with altitudes on it? I would make actual notes on leaving altitude and the alt when it comes on. Also, when it DOES come on stop at the next convenience store, turn of the motor and get a pop or something (there are about 600 Allsup's on the drive to the panhandle ;) ) Start the truck back up and see if it comes back on.

NEXT trip, do the same thing. There it is, documented for the dealer. The altimeter might be bad? Never heard of that, but never know.

If that isnt it, then you have a city truck. It wants to hang around Bass Hall and the such, not so much tumbleweeds and Red Raider fans. :D

05-12-2003, 06:10
Mine comes on every now and then. It did last night and had been out for a couple of thousand miles. Where I do my driving I am changing only about 100 ft altitude or so. I believe it could be air denisty as I think we are operating at the edge of an acceptable range of measured air flow and it apparently takes very little to push us out of that range. I like that way the truck runs with the aircharger, but if I knew what I know now I wouldn't have bought it and IMHO K&N released it too early.

05-12-2003, 20:50
I cleaned the Maf and about 3 days later the light went off. First time that has happen. Lo and behold today I was coming back to Amarillo and stopped in Jolly which is less than 1000 ft elevation and the light was back on. It stayed on until I got to Amarillo and I was doing some errands and about the 3rd start it went off. This cycle is not exactly the way it has been doing.

Ali-max, I am using a GPS. You have a good idea. I will start logging it and see if there is a pattern.
