View Full Version : Where can my fuel be going?

05-09-2003, 13:58
I have been running along enjoying the extra MPG I have been seeing from adding my Mega Filter. Now, all of a sudden, the gauge is dropping like a stone. I am not finding any external leaks. I need to check the oil to see if it's down in the crank case. Where else do I need to look? Might be a bad gauge, but I want to be safe rather than sorry. :confused:

Silver Bullet
05-09-2003, 14:43
PIEFC...Predator Induced Excessive Fuel Consumption...otherwise know as FITF (Foot In The Floor) syndrome...other side effects are rubber missing from the rear tires, high EGTs, and high boost readings...

05-09-2003, 14:56
I WISH! I sent my Predator back for the 1.04 upgrade on Monday. This is kind of strange and it worries me. I was getting great mileage and all of a sudden the gauge starts dropping like a stone. I used to get 20 miles for every 1/16 of a tank. This morning, I got 10. I will check the oil before I leave. I thought I smelled fuel, but could not find any leaks. :confused:

05-09-2003, 18:11
I am gonna have to agree with everyone else. Check the oil and perform the 'paper towl test'. Put a drop of oil on clean paper towl and watch it wick, fuel and oil will wick at different rates and fuel will show up. If this is not the case. Check for a fuel leak, it should be obvious but not always. Last but not least, Use your Predator when you get it back to check fuel rates and balance rates. See if anything looks askew.

05-09-2003, 18:24
Chris, I think it has just now finished filling up that mega filter. From the looks of it, it probably holds 20+ gallons itself. :D

05-09-2003, 21:35
dmaxalli Tech,
I will try the paper towel test first thing in the morning. I checked the oil and it does not smell like fuel and it is at the exact level I filled it to when I changed the oil 2 weeks ago. I did see injector 7 runnig at -5mm once, but it was back in the 2-3 range the next time I looked. I wish I had the Predator to look and see what the fuel gauge is in % instead of the eyeball method. It looked like it slowed down, but that doesn't explain why I blew through almost a quarter tank in 30 miles. I am pretty good at watching my mileage i.e. gauge vs. miles on the tank. I will be going through all of the lines tomorrow to look for leaks.

On a separate note, does everyone get water build up in the top of the OEM fuel filter head? Seems like my A/C line drips onto it just perfect to hold water there. I always have to put my finger in and smell to make sure it's water. :rolleyes:

05-10-2003, 00:56
Are you sure somebody is not siphining it. Had it happen.

05-10-2003, 04:40
I'd just wait and run the numbers after filling. A significant change in MPG represents a LOT of fuel over a tankful, so it would be oozing out of every seal etc if it were going in the oil...

05-10-2003, 10:54

I use my trip meter to gauge my fuel. My gauge is screwy under half a tank, especially in tempurature fluctuations like we're having here(30-75 degrees). I ordered a new transferflow tank mid-ship 45 gal. Probably going to make it hard to gauge for awhile, but atleast I wont have to fill every other day. Hope your results are good, Chuck.

05-10-2003, 16:41
I am below 1/2 tank and going to go fill up. I have 265 miles, so I should need 18 gallons or so. Have to go by the truck stop to get adult beverages anyway. :D As long as I am there. I am not going to worry about it. I found nothing in the oil and no leaks. Probably my gauge dancing to the music. :rolleyes: That or cringing from my 4 year old singing "Who's your Daddy" redface.gif Nevermind, that's another story. tongue.gif

05-10-2003, 16:57
The fuel gauge in my '02 is pretty erratic. It'll not move for 75 miles and then drop an 1/8 of a tank over the next 10 miles. This is in the top half of the tank, BTW.

It averages out over the course of 3/4 of a tank, but it's a little alarming to watch sometimes. Especially when I think I'm getting awesome mileage and then it corrects itself. smile.gif

- Mark

a bear
05-10-2003, 17:26
Pipe insulation around the section of line above the filter will stop the dripping.

05-10-2003, 20:13
I will do that tomorrow.

I just calculated my mileage. I got 0.97 mpg more that before. I will see if it holds, but I am optimistic. :D

05-11-2003, 11:35
Toldjaso! :D

05-11-2003, 20:47
Yea yea yea, I know. Now don't start sounding like the wife. :rolleyes:

Have you cut off all of the factory quick disconnects or just filled them with grease? I am getting closer and closer to the cutoff tool. :eek:

What did you think about the sucked flat bottle? It caught my attention quick. I would love to know what the max vacuum is for this thing. Golf ball through water hose comes to mind. tongue.gif

05-12-2003, 07:55

You saw it with the restriction gauge. Less than 5"hg.

No plans on cutting anything just yet. I have dielectric in my fittings, but am unsure if it did anything. I still have air, can see it come from the EDU, and am not sure if it is an outgassing, or suction leak...

[ 05-12-2003: Message edited by: kennedy ]</p>

05-12-2003, 08:16
I know I saw it at idle, but I would like to see it on a run. The bottle I used wasn't that flimsy (that's why I used it). For it to suck it flat that quick was a shock. A vacuum sensor with a data logger would be really nice. I will bet you that the max vac is in the 10"+Hg range.