View Full Version : Who's stacking with hot juice?

05-08-2003, 20:15
What works the best with the "HOTJUICE" I'm thinking of a TST or predator or Hypertech III any help would be appreciated Turbo 6600 :rolleyes:

05-08-2003, 23:10

05-09-2003, 10:33
Pulse on pulse may get SOME benefit, but the pulse width boxes are on the fringe of the optimal or acceptable range in that the fuel is being sprayed over a quite long duration of crankshaft rotation.

I've found that pressure on pulse works quite well. We'll see how Saturday's dyno run goes...

king D
05-09-2003, 18:48
as far as astcker the powermax will be the worst choice it is more than the trannt can stand alone.the pred did a great job of stacking i ddint have pinging from to much timing if you get ping you could always loop the timing out of the juice and the pred will let you drive faster than juice alone....jess

05-09-2003, 21:30
Has anyone tried stacking a Hot 0r Regular Juice with a Duramaximizer, if so, how did they work? I would think they would work well but dont know, I dont have any boxes yet, but hope to soon, as soon as I get some extra $$$.

05-10-2003, 04:45

That is the kind of stack I am talking about. The old VA smart box/BD Dynomite is MUCH easier to install though. It will need some program changes, but works very well...

05-10-2003, 08:04
JK- Can you still get the old VA/BD pressure box? BD shows a smart box D 2.0, is this the one you are talking about? I suppose you can do the mods to make them stack.

05-11-2003, 10:26
Stacking IMHO is just asking for problems down the road. The Current Hot Juice is the best "responsible" programming available. I have seen it run stronger than a SUPPOSEDLY 140HP box. We have also seen on the dyno on 2 seperate occasions that the same stacking combo on my truck (EXACT SAME MODULES) will not lay down the numbers on others' trucks. This last dyno run, I believe showed me why. I believe that the Allison will not get it to the wheels in stock form. Now before someone starts thinking that I have a ton of miracle mods on my truck, that is not the case.

Going back to my original post, there is only so much "time window" in which to inject fuel and get efficient burn. This window will narrow as RPM increases as the crankshaft is traveling faster. Sure, you can start earlier, and follow the piston further down the bore, but excessively early timing wastes fuel/energy by fighting the piston on the way up, and adding a lot more stress.

Believe me when I say, that Edge can put a lot more power into the Juice, but it will not be good for the transmission, and will make "race only" EGT's. Also keep in mind that the Hot Juice is right in there for performance capabilities with boxes claiming 140+ HP....

[ 05-11-2003: Message edited by: kennedy ]</p>

05-11-2003, 19:37


Had the Hot Juice since Sept. last year. Definate difference over the 90 hp Juice.

Tell us what the "miracle Mods are" :eek: :eek: :D

GMC ;)

05-19-2003, 08:27
So we should not stack predator at 40 with Hot Juice?

05-19-2003, 09:13
Like I stated above, I have no miracle mods. A couple air flow improvements here and there, but..

Once again, the Allison will not stand any more than the Hot Juice. You may go faster when stacking, but it's not getting the power to the wheels. Once you have a transmission that "hooks up" you'll see what I mean. The RPM drop at upshift is greater and the engine rpm needed to get the upshift is less...