View Full Version : Last quart of oil??

05-07-2003, 16:54
Any great idea's for getting all the oil out of the pan when changing oil? I usually drain the oil, close the fumoto valve , add about a quart or so of new oil, and then drain it again. It would have been great if they had put a drain plug on both sides of the pan. Not a very user friendly design.

05-07-2003, 17:11
Jack up the front of the truck. That will drain oil to back of pan near drain

05-07-2003, 17:43
If 1 quart stays in the pan (unless you jack up the truck) how much oil should be added when changing?

05-07-2003, 19:11
Level garage with new filter 10 quarts puts me at 1/8" above full on the dip-cable. :D

05-07-2003, 20:25
If you have a set of ramps you could ramp one side or the front, whichever works best. Or you could unbolt the tranny and motor mounts, and just turn the engine on its side. Or perhaps you could engineer an attachment for your shop vac. --Nick ;)

05-08-2003, 04:05
No Jack,have the fumuto ..... Ten out ,Ten in ..... With AC Delco filter every time ..... Keep it simple .....

MAC :D :D :D

[ 05-08-2003: Message edited by: mackin ]</p>

05-08-2003, 09:34
Thanks for the suggestions, I do jack the truck up when changing the oil, I'm just not convinced that all that dirty oil gets out. I might be wasting a quart or so when I "purge" the pan, but it makes me feel like I'm doing something worthwhile.

05-08-2003, 09:51
I do my oil changes in the driveway...

The truck's too damned big to fit into the garage anyway smile.gif

There's a slight hill there and I get most, it not all, of the oil out, as well as being able to position the thing so that only the last 1/2 a quart ends up dribbling all over the skid plate. :mad:


Diesel Dragon
05-08-2003, 14:47
Ya, who's the idiot engineer that designed the skid plate so it's in the way of the oil stream when you pull the plug out. Must of spilled 1 quart of oil all over the skid plate and garage floor last oil change. I took the plate off for now and I'll notch it so it dosent happen again.
Idiot engineers :mad: :mad:
Probally never changed a quart of oil in there lives :eek: :eek:

Later Diesel Dragon :cool:

05-08-2003, 14:53
To avoid that problem, I got a Fumoto with a nipple and then attached to it some fuel line hose which I tuck up out of the way. I can even drain oil back into gallon oil containers, close the valve as the container gets full, and get another empty container in place and fill it. Then I can take the used oil directly to a used oil drop off location.

Best to have a drain pan under all of this in case something does spill.

Also, don't mix up the used oil containers with new ones :eek:

05-09-2003, 06:06
From where could I get a Fumoto for the D-max? I've never seen them in an autoparts store, although I've never looked for them either.

I have something similar to what you're describing on my garden tractor. There is *no* excuse not to change the oil on that thing...its too easy.


05-09-2003, 06:32
You can get the Fumoto Valve from Greg..