View Full Version : Fuel Filter Install Photo Hits..Yikes

05-02-2003, 10:28
Something happened within the last couple of days. The amount of
view hits to my install photos have gone up over 400. Big jump when I
first posted photos. Then stable at +2500, however the last
2 days my total has jumped to 2,983. :eek:
Edit.............(5/03/003) now............ 3,369

No Hoot, it is not me :D

Does anyone know if this fuel filter topic is being discussed on
any other truck forums? Is anyone else seeing a jump in
views to their photos?

Hey..... maybe GM is looking at this secondary filtration?? :D :D :D

[ 05-04-2003: Message edited by: 56Nomad ]</p>

05-02-2003, 10:49
That's from you looking at it all the time ;) tongue.gif

05-02-2003, 11:00
I called to order the filter set up at DIS and they are out of stock for aprox 30 days .I talked with one of the guys at the counter about the OEM filter and he said racor, who makes the OEM filter states that it is a 2 micron filter .What is up with that? surly that cant be true.If so what would be the purpouse 2 2micron filters one after another?

Thanks hoot for the info.Steve

[ 05-02-2003: Message edited by: 2DAMAX ]</p>

05-02-2003, 11:18

The OEM filter is a 2 micron filter..... but it is not
very efficient in removing that size contamination. I think George Morrison reported something like 60% efficient.

The Racor secondary filter is a 2 micron (absolute)
filter and is close to 98-99% efficient in
removing up to 2 micron sized contamination.

You will find all the answers to your question
in the following string......
Thats not it..... I'm looking for the long string that George Morrison and John Kennedy wrote
about 2 micron filtration.........

GOT IT....

[ 05-02-2003: Message edited by: 56Nomad ]</p>

05-02-2003, 11:28
56NOMAD: I just had my truck into the dealer last week because I had an injector knock at idle. They did an injector service and it fixed the problem .My truck has 22k on it do you think adding this filter will solve any problems with injector getting plugged or restricted?

Thanks Steve

05-02-2003, 11:35
an injector service?? on a Duramax?? :confused:

05-02-2003, 11:38

It only makes sense to run the cleanest fuel
possible thru your injectors. I put my system
on the truck at about 21,000 miles after reading
about how poorly our OEM filter performed with the small particle contamination.

[ 05-02-2003: Message edited by: 56Nomad ]</p>

05-02-2003, 11:51
Here is the string which highlights the need
for secondary filtration on our trucks......


05-02-2003, 11:52
dmaxalliTech:That's what the said they did I have put aprox 300 since and no problems .I know the service writer real well They had it for 2 hours. Is their no such thing as an Injector service on a diesel????

Thanks Steve :confused:

05-02-2003, 13:26
56 Nomad,

As for the number of hits on your album, I notice similar increases when I post a link to one of my albums when replying to a question.

I can't verify this, but my observations indicate that a 'hit' on your Webshots album means that one of your pics was viewed. Therefore, if I look at all (11) pics in your fuel filter album - that counts as (11) views or hits. Or choose slideshow, and walk away from the computer for an hour or two....


FYI, fuel analysis on my truck:

OEM Racor with about 100 miles on the filter -&gt; 3.6% (three point six, as in less than four percent) efficient in removing 2 to 5 micron particles :eek:

The same OEM Racor/KD Mega as secondary filter -&gt; 85.5% efficient in removing 2 to 5 micron particles :D :D

Even with BOTH filters, my real world results are no where near the 98-99% 2 micron absolute figures you were quoted for the OEM Racor by itself.

05-02-2003, 14:54
I just so happen to have 660's in stock. Plus you get all the stuff to mount and plumb.



Lone Eagle
05-02-2003, 19:21
I bought my Racor from DIS. They tried to talk me into a 10 micron pre-filter. They said the OEM was a 2 micron and Racor didn't recommend a post OEM 2 micron. I told them to send the 2 micron anyway. Later! Lone Eagle ;)