View Full Version : High Wear Metal Numbers

05-01-2003, 22:02
Any of you guys and gals running synthetic oils, particularly Delvac 1, getting high wear metal numbers from analysis?


05-02-2003, 11:21
Although I'm not using syn oil, I'm using Rotella 15W40, I'm showing higher than normal copper level. I have 16K on the engine and 6K on the oil. About 3K of that was towing at about 18K CGVW. I had requested the normal levels for a Duramax from AvLube, but didn't get a reply. Blackstone always listed normal values for comparison.
My number are;
Iron: 30
Copper: 24
Chromium: 0
Lead: 3
Tin: 2
Aluminum: 4
Nickel: 0
Silver: 0
I would be interested in how these numbers compare with other D'max users.


05-02-2003, 13:19
Results all with Amsoil 5w-30 Series 3000:

Vehicle Mileage: 16409 / 24400/ 32377
Oil Mileage: 7273 / 7305 / 6934

Iron: 11 / 16 / 6
Chromium: 0 / 0 / 0
Lead: 9 / 16 / 15
Copper: 25 / 25 / 19
Tin: 0 / 0 / 0
Aluminum: 0 / 3 / 3
Nickel:0 / 0 / 0
Silver: 1 / 0 / 0

Have been very happy with my iron levels, but was looking for more of a downward trend in the copper levels after break-in. Have since switched to Delvac 1, hoping for an improvement.

05-02-2003, 21:41
My last analysis on Rotella-T non-syn 15W40:

45.5k 6.9k on oil

CU = 8
FE = 15
CR = 1
PB = 4
AL = 4
SI = 7
MO = 0
NA = 6
CA = 3011
SN = 0
K = 7
MG = 13
ZN = 1918
B = 1
K = 7

Just shipped off my first synthetic sample today (Rotella-T 5W40) for analysis, 52.5K with 7.2K on oil. Should have results on that soon.

05-02-2003, 23:37
41,000 MI 7,400 MI on Mobil Delvac 1

Copper = 6
Iron = 8
Chromium = 1
Lead = 5
Aluminum = 3
Nickel = 0
Silver = 0
Tin = 0
Molybdenum = 1

05-04-2003, 14:22
Thanks for the responses to my inquiry. I've been away a couple of days, so could not post my appreciation earlier. The reason for the post initially was a thread on the Open Roads forum at RV.net in which an individual who sounded knowledgeable stated matter of factly that GM diesels were showing high wear metal numbers, especially copper, with synthetics generally and Delvac 1 in particlular. This did not square with what George Morrison and others were reporting from their obsrevations and I was curious. I haven't had my oil analyzed yet, but have been using Delvac 1 since the first oil change.


05-04-2003, 20:00
It is my understanding that somewhat higher copper levels are part of this engines signature, and should not be cause for alarm. The same is true for other engines that exhibit outstanding durability and longevity. --Nick ;)

Lone Eagle
05-04-2003, 21:06
Tschey, I saw that guy's post. He sounded like he was really big on himself. I just ignored it. This is the only place for the real scoop. Later! Lone Eagle ;)