View Full Version : New Crank Pully, Now Runs Hot?

10-30-2004, 13:50
1996 k3500, Dual Thermostats from Factory.
108K miles.

Well i replaced the crank pully ( bolts shifted )

Also Replaced bottom radiator hose and water pump hose ( short heater hose on top of Water pump )

Put back all the anti freeze, ( measured out and in )bleed system several times, not much air, fluid level in tank is where it was before.

Running 200-214 with 180 degree thermostats( yr old ): Outside temp 85 degrees, truck empty, at 60-65 mph ( AC on ), usually runs around 185-190 deg.
Also oil pressure seems to be 5 psi lower than normal oil temps seem normal.. No smoke from exhaust, will check cold tommorow.

Also had the vacuum pump off and inspected,
seems ok, but noisy when running....
Water pump not leaking, but truck sounds noiser
than before, like fan noise.

? Can water pump go bad, and not circulate .

I think the tail lights are good, maybe I should replace all forward....from there. ****script:void(0)

10-31-2004, 02:10
I feel the same way sometimes!

Any chance the fan went on backwards?

Could you have displaced some wiring seeing you are having two problems now?

Verify the water temp with a thermometer, compare it to the gage. It would make sense to have the fan engage it she's running hot.

Could the thermostat be bad? I'd give it serious consideration.

Stay on it...I always get the most frustrated right before I have a revelation and figure what stupid thing I've done wrong or what simple thing I've overlooked.

10-31-2004, 04:48
Fans ok, Coolant Temps are same as Laptop PCM data.

Will check wiring. Did get some more Air out of the bleed this morning.

Major Stupid noticed!!. I did not put the Air Dam
back on( the plate that covers the hole under the radiator) , Hope that is the Coolant Temp problem.

Anyone know how much the air Dam would affect the coolant temperatures?

Also, How will synthic oil affect oil pressure.

Was gettinng ready to load Truck camper for trip to
maine, bummer.

10-31-2004, 08:50
Thanks RAMEYE for your incite,

I DID MAJOR, BIG TIME, STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm glad I found it before I bothered too many members.

Next time I request help, ASK ME WHAT I DID
STUPID , AGAIN !!!!!!!!!!!

Say, OK what did you screw up this time.....

ANY MEMBER HAS EVER DONE< There must be a prize.
Send it to me post/haste.

I put the coolant in, waiting for the thermoststs
to open, so I get a brilliant idea, so it seemed.
I put in a 12x20 inch plywood sheet between
radiator and condenser, RIGHT, I forgot to take it out. Those coolers must be effective, took 85 deg
and AC on to get over 200 degrees,
I'm sure the oil pressure will come back up also.....

Well , Goin huntin in maine wed as planned......

" really made me think, To old to be wrenching,"

10-31-2004, 11:16
Originally posted by rjwest:
Fans ok, Coolant Temps are same as Laptop PCM data.
What software do you use?

10-31-2004, 13:22

Cheapest I could find...

10-31-2004, 14:41
ah yes the revelation!

it's a beautiful thing when the stupidiy reveals itself!

I once did a test drive after an oil change with no oil....ranks pretty high up there eh?

11-01-2004, 11:18
You are not alone...Here is my story of stupidity:
So I take all the battery cables off of the batteries to clean terminals.Put it all back together and the truck wont start, turns slowly and wont fire. I run down to NAPA and get a new starter because I'm absolutely sure the starter has taken a dump with 90,000 or so on it.After replacing the starter, I begin reconnecting the battery leads(after disconnecting them to change starter) and notice an extra one dangling low near the air box that I hadnt noticed earlier.The next few moments are punctuated by nausea and disgust. When I reconnected originally, I forgot to connect the passenger side battery at the sandwich connection. Total cost for this debacle..about $200. On the good side, I do have a fresh starter(that I really didnt need) I never did tell the wife about my screwup smile.gif

11-01-2004, 12:57
You guys are starting to make me feel a little better. Maybe we need a " best of FOOPA's