View Full Version : Waterlogged Duramax

11-28-2003, 12:43
Sunk my truck in a mudhole on a logging road to recover a broken dirt bike.

Water got sucked up into the intake.

Any suggestions on how I can get the water out of the cylinders? It won't turn over...

Pull the glow plugs? Where are they at and what kind of pain is it?

Thanks a bunch!

Man it sucks to be me...


11-28-2003, 14:31
you can pull the glow plugs out, they are along each side below the valve covers. They have a bar hooked to them . 12mm socket will pull them, once you get them out, I would roll it by hand as the holes that the glow plugs actually go into the chamber is only about 1/8". once you roll it by hand a few times, hit the starter and blow the remaining out.

11-28-2003, 22:57
I'll use a coined phrase .....

Sell It

Mac http://www.turbodieselregister.com/ubb/hihi.gif http://www.turbodieselregister.com/ubb/hihi.gif http://www.turbodieselregister.com/ubb/hihi.gif

11-29-2003, 08:36
Thanx DMAXALLITECH, I'll give it a go.

Mac, selling the truck probably isn't an option... I won't get squat for it with a broke engine.

I'm praying (real hard) it didn't bend a rod. It was more or less idling when it took the "big gulp".

Thanks again,

11-29-2003, 12:05
Drain the oil and change the filter

11-29-2003, 23:05
yep, those tiny glow plug holes will work- but as stated before, by hand!
Hydrolocked engines generly dont bend a rod unless your really into it... i had a chev 350 go under floored at 6KRPM back in the day and that ate the rod, but idle your ok- just a hard shock to the rod berring :(

11-30-2003, 05:40
You must have really ingested a lot of water. I had a similar experience, but managed not to lock up the engine.

The water has to 1st travel through the turbo and then the whole intercooler assembly and associated tubing before entering the engine.

In my case the water didn't get any further than the intercooler.

At any rate, I'd be sure to get the whole turbo/intercooler/tubing setup cleaned out real good as well and change the oil and filter a couple of times.

11-30-2003, 09:41
I would be REAL careful rotating the engine due to any silt or dirt suspended in the water it ingested.The abrasives in the water may do more harm than the water itself.You did say a mud puddle, right?I would try to flush as much out as possible grit BEFORE rotating the engine. Wish I had a real good idea how to do that.Good luck.