View Full Version : Edge Juice....What happens to mileage?

Very Old Dog
04-29-2003, 14:44
For those of you who have installed the Edge "Juice" box, what has happened to your mileage after the install? Decline, increase or stay the same?


Lone Eagle
04-29-2003, 16:58
I picked up a little when towing because I can pull a lot more in OD. I break even solo but that is good because it is hard not to get on it more often. Later! Lone Eagle :D

04-29-2003, 18:18
Definite increase while towing- 1-2 mpg. Same or slightly worse empty due to stomping on throttle and watching it leave black tread marks behind. This also has had a deleterious effect on rear tires. Last truck got about 45k on stock Firestones, this one, Juiced, will be about half that on the rears. Too much fun...

04-29-2003, 22:47
Slight increase in mpg but the power increase is scary at times. Try it and hang on. The engine seems to be smoother and more responsive especially when accelerating from about 40 or so. Just do it and don't look back. I was a sceptic also until I tried it.


04-30-2003, 04:27
Pretty much the same results as above. Heavier the load pulled, the larger them improvement. When I keep my foot under control, mileage empty is equal to if not slightly better than stock .. Jim

04-30-2003, 06:00
Same as the others, with Hot Juice set on L3 normal, L4 t/h.
If I can stay out of the throttle, slightly better; if not, about the same as before. Never has been worse.

04-30-2003, 07:41
I seem to also have an improvement empty on Level 2 (regular juice). Level 4 empty is about the same as stock but much more fun!

I don't do too many loaded trips in the winter so I did just one with the Juice so far and there was an improvement for sure. Almost 2 liters/100km but many other variables can come into play especialy winter fuel.

So far, no one seem to have any adverse effect caused by the juice beside excessive rear tire wear in some case!

Good luck.

05-01-2003, 11:07
Edge has done an EXCELLENT job of getting the pedal responsiveness tweaked so that you get big time power with little input! This causes the transmission to make it's shifts at the earliest part of the map getting you through the gears and into OD and lockup sooner for better economy. There isn't a program out there that tows as effortlessly at 40-50% APP in the 1600-2600RPM band. The sweet spot of the turbo is in the area of 1800RPM when run at the 600lb/ft range and the Juice programming allows you to pull VERY hard w/o downshifting and leaving this area...

05-02-2003, 09:00
I've been getting great mileage with my regular Juice running in Level 4 all the time. Like JK said, the improved low and mid range power really helps in most "normal" driving and has harmonized well with my daily commuting at 45-55 mph and 1600 to 1800 rpm. The Juice programming really smooths out the power and shifting and makes the truck a delight to drive, even if you don't "hammer it down." I've posted a couple of times before in the past that the Juice is not just for the tire-smokin' hot-rodders. It really improves and enhances the system for the regular and conservative drivers, too! I am pretty conservative overall, and I ran my Juice in Level 2 for a long time. I can't imagine running without it now.

05-02-2003, 09:07
Good posts guys! I think JK and Idle_Chatter just made up my mind. --Nick smile.gif

05-02-2003, 09:44
From what I have seen, the Juice ratings are quite conservative while others are VERY optimistic...