View Full Version : Read This......All should be aware!

08-08-2003, 00:31
Even though I know this is probably not the appropriate area to post this topic previously discussed before, I wanted as many members possible to read it.

About 8:00 this evening when it finally cooled down below 100 deg., I popped my little 165 lb. rear end up on my tail gate with a cold brew. Cheering a few of my neighbors on with their frustrated efforts to finish their yard work, I invited them to join me.

The first to comply was a rather large fellow carrying around 350 lbs. I was sitting on the drivers side against the rail. He EASED his bulk on to the passenger side corner of the tailgate, one cheek at a time.

Before his feet were off the ground, BOTH cables snapped without warning bringing us both to the ground, the tailgate slamming against the top of the bumper resulting in a beautiful crease from one side to the other.

Sorry to all because I love this truck, especially after the JUICE, but what a blunder of engineering knowledge this has to be. I have had many memorable tail gate dove hunts here in S. Tx on older Chevy, GMC, & all the others with two or three 200 lb+ buddies bouncing around like a bunch of 10 yr olds. Never has there been so much as a quiver. As much as I hate it, damn near seems like a class action suit should be in order here.

Watch out! you may be next.

On Edit: Maybe the owner's manual should read.......No more than 3 people under age 10 should be allowed on tailgate.
Yeah your right, I am really pi$$ed at this one! :mad:


GM Smitty
08-08-2003, 04:40
I think I read it's 600 lbs...not sure though. These cables are BAD. :mad: They rust inside that rubber coating and you don't know it until it's too late. I had one break on me earlier this year, luckily the other held.

Was it rusty or did it just snap?

08-08-2003, 06:54
What was wrong with the flat metal hinged bars they used to use. Those things would stand up to almost anything.
It would be nice if someone would come out with a kit to replace the cables with either heavy duty cables or the bars.

08-08-2003, 07:47
I had the same problem with my '99 Silverado. The cables broke in the fall of 2002. Mine had rusted, and the break was right in the middle of the cable. This is where the water collects. I thought they re-designed these to seal both ends so no water could penetrate. Anbody able to confirm this? Fortunately, my other cable held and no crashed tailgate. If this happened to my '03, I'd probably cry and curse GM.

Silver Bullet
08-08-2003, 07:48
I think "tranny cooler scoop" Fred is developing some HD cables. It might be another option or you...

08-08-2003, 11:26
Mackin......Yep, he feels so bad I think this has pushed him over to have his stomach stapled. He loves this truck more than I do but can't afford one.

GM Smitty & mike.morris......Both cables were rusted and broke in the center.

Headin out to the dealer in awhile to stir up the pot.


08-09-2003, 22:41
I had the left cable break last winter without any weight or stress on it. It was broken just frum rust alone. I have bought spares at $14 a piece and I intend to change them every two years just to avoid any possible tailgate damage. I agree that GM needs to put out a fix.

Jack's Dmax
08-09-2003, 23:24
With the tailgate cables breaking due to rust why not remove about an inch of the vinyl covering in the middle of the cable? The problem seems to be caused by water getting trapped in the cable. With an opening in the cable the water could drain out.


08-10-2003, 06:17
Originally posted by Jack's Dmax:
With the tailgate cables breaking due to rust why not remove about an inch of the vinyl covering in the middle of the cable? The problem seems to be caused by water getting trapped in the cable. With an opening in the cable the water could drain out...Jack, Excellent idea!
I was also thinking that a periodic WD-40 injection under the sleeve might help too. It would be nice to find a source for the OEM end connectors so we could make some stainless cables.

Dave Lewis
08-10-2003, 07:39
A buddy of mine has a 2001. His cables also broke from rust. When he went to the dealer to replace them the dealer said they had a new number. So maybe there a new design (stainless steel?)

08-10-2003, 12:19
Does your friend still have the new cable P/N? Or anyone else have it?

Dave Lewis
08-10-2003, 12:34
I'll check with him tomorrow and let you know.

08-10-2003, 14:34
Just cut an inch and a half of the covering off the bottom of my cables (in the closed position) where the water would sit. The left side looked fine, but the was plenty of rust and corrosion on the right. Several broken strands already as well. :mad: I hope the new one are S.S. and I will gladly pay my $14 ea. for the piece of mind.

We had a great GTG last night here in big D. A viper clup got pi$$y with us and we started to see how many vipers DmaxDiva's truck could get over. :eek: :D Anyway, I dropped my tailgate to continue to shoot the bull, and that started this very discussion about cables. I'm not a light boy, but I shouldn't have to worry about sitting on my tail gate, you know? :(

08-10-2003, 14:39
No stainless here!

Checked my two NEW cables bought this week with one of my 39H Rare Earth magnets. Stuck like glue so, if they are stainless, the material is not of the 300 series containing little ferrous. I use these magnets in my machines surrounded by a 304 series tube. No pull or attraction with the 304. Stainless with a high ferrous content will rust out almost as quickly as steel. :( I deal with recycled scrap metal.


ON EDIT: I fabricated a pair of steel straps like the old days. They work great & don't rattle but took a considerable amount of machine work to make given the pivot radius of the tailgate is not concentric to the attach point on the bed.

[ 08-10-2003, 02:49 PM: Message edited by: Billy14 ]

08-10-2003, 17:51
It doesn't sound like a salt issue, that some of us Northerners would expect to see during our winters, but I'm sure our salt doesn't help.

08-10-2003, 20:00
Geez Billy, what is with you and wierd troubles with your truck? :D

BTW, I saw you the other day. This black DMax with a Ranch Hand bumper pulls out a little tight in front of traffic (on Naccodoches, I think, but maybe it was on to 1604). Anyway, there is lots of black smoke and said truck didn't slow any traffic down. If one sees that with a black truck in NE San Antonio, it's you, if it happens with a silver truck that has a Frontier bumper, it's me.


[ 08-10-2003, 09:33 PM: Message edited by: afp ]

08-10-2003, 21:03
Yep Blaine, probably was me.

Seems like everytime I pull on to 1604 some screwball is doin around 80+ & of course, they won't switch lanes to give ya a break.

Stab the Hot Juice in the A$$ & you can leave em in a heartbeat plus a little pre driving experience in a fall fog bank. :D :D


Lone Eagle
08-10-2003, 22:35
The water has to be getting in the open ends if it is rusting in the middle. A little silicone should fix the problem. Later! Lone Eagle ;)

08-11-2003, 08:13
Lone Eagle,

It should, but how do you know you have it sealed for sure? :confused: