View Full Version : Predator or Predator?

Murray the Cop
11-19-2003, 14:11
Diablosport predator or Granitelli predator? They look pretty much the same.What is the deal with this double identity? Is there any difference in the two? Thanks

11-19-2003, 22:56
Exactly the same product. Granatelli just slaps a decal on it and sells it.

Note that the unit I bought recently from Granatelli had VERY old code in it (V1.02 - current at the time was V1.09). You can send it in to Diablosport for a complimentary upgrade, but you'll pay for shipping.

- Mark

11-20-2003, 14:01
I'd be careful ordering from Granatelli. Ask carefully about their return policy, and get it in writing.

My wife bought me a Granatelli Mass Air Meter as a present. The box was mislabeled (wrong color) and the part was not assembled right. They gave me flak when I wanted to exchange it. They told me I tampered with it, but it was still in the FACTORY SHRINKWRAP! Duh.

So they gave me the right one, I put it on my car, and the car ran like crap, refusing to run over 5000rpm. I monitored the F/A ratio and found it to be dangerously lean. Again I returned it in person. I asked them about the HP claims, and they guaranteed it would pick up 10rwhp. I told them 5rwhp would be fine. Finally got the new one on, lost 3rwhp AFTER tuning (18hp before). Put the stock part back on, and HP returned to original levels.

I told the owner about the situation, and here is the response:

We guarantee it to make 10rwhp. If it doesn't, exchange it for another one. Again, and Again, and Again, and Again.

No guarantee. Plus on the outside of their box for the product, it showed a huge gain (dyno curves) and when I asked for info about the dyno charts, they refused to answer. They lied on the box, they were NOT actual dynos for the car specified (wrong stock curve shape) but just fabrications.

So please be careful. I have several friends who have had similiar problems.

11-20-2003, 18:46
Grantelli is just selling plain Predators. They are acting as a distributor in this case.

I bought mine from a friend's shop and he would be more than willing to take it back for a refund if I was peeved about it.

- MArk