View Full Version : juice VS duramaximizer

07-08-2002, 21:25
well i am going to keep one and get rid of the other.

i am leaning on keeping the juice becuase i will not be towing very much anymore. and i am racing my truck. but the load we do carry is around 10,000 - 12,000 pounds. but i just can't make up my mind. i really like the duramaximizer and i really like the juice. but i don't know which one to keep. any help would be nice :D

07-08-2002, 21:38

I say go for the OJ!

Desert Diesel
07-08-2002, 21:55
Since the Duramaximizer only affects fuel pressure and you are racing your truck why not run em stacked? Then you get the best of both worlds. If your not sure of who gets stacked on who at the MAP sensor ask Kennedy I think he's running that combo.



07-09-2002, 07:12
i tried stacking them and it just set off ever SES light there. plus i need to sell one. money is getting tighter with this damn economy.

07-09-2002, 07:14
C'mon tmg115, tell the truth! Is it a 'Juice' or a BD EZ-Amp? Some will say there IS a difference between the two!

07-09-2002, 07:44
or most will say there is not a diference becuase there isnt.