View Full Version : Cleaning the TS-123 Amsoil Air filter(yuk)

10-11-2002, 11:06
First off you have to physically check the air filter because the air flow thingy doesn't seem to work with the TS-123. After six (6) months We find quite a bit of oil accumulated in the filter housing along with bugs in various states of decay and something that I swear looks like part of Hoffa's hairpiece. The filter itself appears to have accumulated some asphalt in parts and generally covered in goop, bug parts and (hair)! We decide that cleaning is probably for the best, but what to do? The metal screen does not come out and what kind of "soap" to use. I go with Simple Green. Rinse the filter good with warm water then spray the sh-t out of it with SG covering your hands with a thick oily glop in the process. Let the thing soak for a while and my wife wants to know what I think I am doing to "her" laundry tub. Doesn't she understand that mundane household items must, at times, surrender themselves to a higher calling? (wrong answer).

Rinse the filter with warm water while squishing it agains the screen and looking at the crud that keeps coming out, repeat the spray, soak, squish and rinse process several times until the water runs clear then take it out back and hang it next to one of the flower pot to drain and dry in the air. Next I get to soak the thing down with oil, squish that stuff into the filter before putting it back into service. All in all a tedious, messy process subject to spousal abuse. I question the value of going through all of this when compared to just replacing an appropriate paper filter when required. This is the only way I could think of doing it, if anyone has a better method please share it.

[ 10-11-2002: Message edited by: Mudflap ]</p>

10-11-2002, 11:38
Yup in 6 months toss another $42 bucks Gregg's way ......That's $84 dollars a year, $7 bucks a month, or .23 cents a day......That's less then keeping one supplied with chewing gum on a daily bases.....Hell I could gather that in returnables,less then 5 beer cans,they come in six so your all ready up one for tomorrow......
Gregg still got my credit card # on file???? Send me one ......My six months are up......Consider this a PO........


I didn't even figure the replacement "Sticky Oil" in.......Freight......

10-11-2002, 12:19
Good old soap and water, nothing else.

posted 10-01-2002 06:47 PM
This is how I tell all my customers to clean the filter.
Get a container big enough to put the filter in. Run fairly hot warm into container with a generous amout of dish soup in it. Put the filter in the container and let soak for 15-30 minutes. This will help cut lose any tuff stuff. Now take the palm of your hand and pump water through it. You will see the junk come out of it. Now you really need to do this till the water does not seem to change anymore, once you have reached that point rince in clear water. Now this is a very importent part, make sure you let it dry completely before re-oiling. When it comes time to re-oil just lay it on a flat sureface and run a bead of oil across the filter. Now work that oil in with the palm of your had, repeat this process till oil begins to come through the other side. When done right you should get 2-3 oilings out of one 8oz bottle of foam filter oil.

As stated above never use anything but soap and water to clean the Amsoil foam filter. You might get by with solvents a couple of times but then you will be buying a new filter.


Big O
10-11-2002, 20:08
I do it just like I have done my dirt bikes for 30 years. I wash it out in Varisol, then hot soapy water, then rinse in clear water. Let it dry, and re-oil.

10-13-2002, 05:35
Thank you for your replies, soap and water it is from now on.