View Full Version : Scan tools pros & cons Tech II, AutoTap...?
Heartbeat Hauler
11-13-2003, 14:13
I am thinking about getting a scan tool for my 01 and would like some feed back on the different scan tools, i.e tech II, Autotap. I also have two other GM vehicles that I would like to use the tool to see & clear codes. I did a search and there isn't much about it. Sounds like it might be a good article of the month.
11-13-2003, 19:37
I have the Tech II, it is pricey but I don't think you can beat it. The others are OK for just reading codes and what not but they won't do everything the Tech II can.
Thought I'd pass this along:
I haven't seen the exact details, but the GM Flash kit is supposed to be available in a new format that allows VTD learn, BCM programming, Snapshot graphing, AND software updates self installed via CD. All is done on a PC for excellent graphics basically just like the GM Techs have. Only $1500 list! :eek:
For those not "in the know", this is basically a software pkg with a hardware lock, and a RS232 to serial cable...
JP, for the money, I'd suggest the Predator. Although limited to the Dmax (not sure about general code reading/reset) it CAN see most of the engine data table that the Tech II can. Last I knew, only the boost and baro were skewed...
Heartbeat Hauler
11-14-2003, 08:25
Well I found a web site for the AutoTap, but it's almost 500 bucks plus you gotta have the Palm or a laptop. I have the laptop, but driving around with it in the truck ain't real convenient. You'd think they would sell the complete package (hardware & software) for that much. Greg, you said the tech II is pricey, care to elaborate? And, where can I read about it?
Last I heard, Tech 2's were running across $3k
Heartbeat Hauler
11-14-2003, 09:47
Yikes 3K!! :eek:
I think maybe I'll just get on good terms with the technician at the dealership. Of course the AutoTap is somewhat reasonable, except for the part of buying a Palm.
Someone correct me if I am wrong, but the Predator will do MORE than the Autotap when Dmax specific as the Autotap (last I heard) was missing a ton of data tables.
The other neat thing about the Predator is that it will correct tire size, and should equal or beat the Banks Ottomind in the performance dept...
Do you have any part numbers for GM Flash kit with this new format?
Does it do all the things (or more) the tech 2 will do for a 1996 6.5L engine?
Jim Twaddle
Biggar, Scotland
I've had the Autotap for over 5 years and it has helped me do many investigations on performance. Get codes and delete them. While it can't do all that the Tech II it was a H!!! of a lot cheaper. I did have it upgraded to work with all US products. I also got a good deal on a Palm on EBAY. Now all I need is to get the license for the palm and I'm all set. It reads about 160 different parameters which I have found to be sufficient.I do not run around with the laptop hooked up all of the time, only when I want to run and record a segment of driving. Yes it does record all of the parameters I have set up to collect and then do a non realtime playback to do comparisons of other runs. I can also download the parameters into a spreadsheet. I had some problems with my unit while trying to read a friend's Dodge. Autotap did a free repair so now it works for Dodge's as well.
Heartbeat Hauler
11-16-2003, 14:21
The autoTap sounds good, but I'm leaning toward the predator because of the ability to change tire/gear ratio parameters. One thing though, does the PRedator plug into the diag port or does it install into the main harness. I have the Banks stuff and don't really want to be pluging and unpluging.
I was looking into the autotap but like hartbeat hauler said you can't make any changes with the autotap, but I like the idea of having it display on a laptop and you can log data on runs and play back later . I talked to the people at autotap and they told me that it will display a boot load of data if you get the adhanced software not the generic thats what they tell me anyway.
I'm sure that that Autotap probably upgraded the system since I last spoke with Mdrag, but at the time, it was lacking detail on fuel system data IIRC.
The Predator plugs right into the ALDL connector just like a scan tool.
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