View Full Version : Filter Change Intervall - Hours?

11-13-2003, 07:23
I remember seeing somewere that 250 hours is a good intervall to change the fuel filter. Cant quite remember or find it though. When should I change it based on hours of use? Opinions? Facts? Ideas?
TIA smile.gif

More Power
11-17-2003, 14:39
Number of gallons of fuel would be a better fuel filter replacement guideline. However, fuel quality is so variable that it makes it hard to predict. Experience with the fuel quality in your area could help determine intervals.


11-17-2003, 19:38
GM's recommended change of 15,000 miles divided by 60 MPH (an average hiway speed) = 250 hours.
Go Figure
I agree with MP. I think this talk about changing fuel filters based on miles is only trying to make it simple stupid for all. It should be based on gallons of fuel used, and fuel quality, along with other variables.
If I'm pulling loaded getting 10 MPG, and your driving empty getting 20 MPG, and we both buy fuel at the same station, you should get twice the miles on your filter.
Each gallon of a certain sample of fuel contains so much contamination, and each brand and type of filter can only hold so much dirt until it is plugged.

11-18-2003, 07:24
So if I drive around like an idiot with the juice getting crappy gas milage I might need to change sooner :D

I will KISS and go with 250 hours.

I use one of 2 places, both high volume and one less than a year old.....I hope i am getting deccent fule but you never know :rolleyes:

I really need to add a secondary but things I have to do to get her ready for plow season takes precidence over stuff i should do redface.gif
