View Full Version : Dilema: Go fishin' or pick up new '03 D/A

10-08-2002, 22:43
Ok, here's my problem. I've been planning this last fishing trip of the season for some time now and plan to take off tomorrow evening for Conchas Lake. 'like to put away a few walleye filets for the winter. Phyllis tows the Lund 1850 Tyee boat with the '93 Grand Cherokee and I tow the Sunnybrook 27RKFS with the 6.0 Vortec "screamer". We make quite a convoy going down the road.

My '03 Silverado is coming to town, guess when? Yep, Thursday or Friday.

I can't believe I'm doing this, but I'm going fishin' :cool: :D :rolleyes: smile.gif

I'll give you a fishing report and a new truck report next week.

10-08-2002, 23:25

Your new truck will wait for you. ;)

Hope you enjoy both!!!


10-08-2002, 23:28
Good call! If you stayed for the truck most likely it wouldn't show on time anyway. The trip will be that much more enjoyable thinking about the new ride waiting back home. Have fun and congratulations!

10-09-2002, 06:32
This is a tough call...But the truck will wait...Good luck fishing.

10-09-2002, 10:20
Hey,... You can have both. Pickup the truck and install an older version of the Juice. Then you can have a new truck and fishbite tongue.gif ;)

10-09-2002, 14:12
Go fishing and give that 1850 Tyee a work out, then when you get home rig that new D/A for towing tandum. Good luck with the "eyes".

10-10-2002, 20:08
I could see ya picking fishin over say--your wife leaving ya. But picking fishin over a new DMAX--you're on the wrong board.

[ 10-10-2002: Message edited by: Chevy2DMAX ]</p>

10-10-2002, 20:36
Here is a plan.
1) Go fishing
2) Have the wife pick up the Dmax
3) Have wife pay for Dmax
4) When return, have wife gut, and fillet the fish.
5) Open a brew, complain about what a tough life you've got as you eat the fish the wife cooked...

10-10-2002, 21:25
I like Speedy's idea to :D :D :D

10-15-2002, 22:13
Well, the fishing (or fisherpersons) sucked :(

Had a voicemail waiting for me back here at the house. The truck is in. Don't pick it up until tomorrow, but snuck over and took a peek at it anyway. Hey guys, I kinda like that new front end smile.gif Those new electric camper mirrors don't look too bad either.

Now the fun: Get Rhino sprayed on, mount 7 pin receptacle in box, install Jordan 2020 brake controller, install new Reese rails for FW hitch, and quickly run off 500 miles of break-in so I can really check 'er out.


Wasn't a certain someone going to send me a pic of his receiver hitch arrangement under the rear of his FW? Spent a couple of hours out at the lake sketching what I think will work on my Sunnybrook: Two 4" Square tubes with 6x6x 1/4" plates welded to the ends for horizontal, four bolt holes in the plates through FW frame. Space these about three foot apart. Weld 2 1/4" x 4' receiver tube to bottom of horizontal 4" square tubes?

10-15-2002, 22:16
I definately like the optional heated extendable camping mirrors over those "Dumbo-ears" that the Fords have... ;) I tried 'em out yesterday on my new 2003 GMC.