View Full Version : Mega and CAT filter guys--question

11-07-2003, 19:45
I ahve had my Mega on for a few weeks now. I know I spilled some fuel into the "valley" of the engine during the install. I find I am still get a slight raw diesel smell if I pop the hood after the truck has been run. I have checked, double checked, triple checked, and even quadruple checked every fitting, filter, and line, and they are--and lawyas have been--bone dry. My fuel mileage is still better than before I installed the filter. The smell does seem to be dissipating a bit.

Anyone else experience soemthing like this? Does it just take a while to get the fuel evaporated from the engine after spilling? Is there sompelace else I should look for a leak?


11-07-2003, 21:21
Often times when we change fuel filters on boats, we'll spill some diesel in the engine rooms of various boats. Some guys don't care about the smell and other guys have their engine rooms lined with wall to wall white carpeting. In the case of the latter, we use a product called FM-186, which is more than likely just Dawn or Joy mixed with water, and spray it on the affected area. The soap instantly breaks down the fuel oil and disperses the smell. Just a few squirts in the valley, a light rinse and hopefully it solves the smell problem. However, if the smell persists, put some dry cardboard under the engine overnight and see if anything shows up. Good luck.

11-08-2003, 06:12
afp- have you squirted some pipe leak detector fluid around the filter seals and fittings? It might show you a leak. Just a thought.

11-08-2003, 10:17
How long should I expect to ahve this smell, and where can I get pipe leak detector fluid?


11-09-2003, 07:37
Talcum powder...

11-09-2003, 16:49
We use tracer dye for oil when lookign for stubborn diesel leaks


a bear
11-09-2003, 17:58
Assuming you have not installed a lift pump and are still on vac you shouldn't have a external leak. If any new connections were leaking you would only get air in the system. Probably just some left over fuel in the V.

11-09-2003, 19:18
Guys, thanks. How long would this smell last if I did just have a spill?

Regardless, I guess it's time to do another leak check. I want to make 100% sure I have no leak before installing the lift pump.


11-10-2003, 22:37
I'd just install the lift pump. You should be able to find the leak in short order and then be able to address it. Sure would beat sitting there going crazy thinking you had a leak!! ;)

11-11-2003, 07:32
I'd give the engine bay a bath. Just don't spray direct pressure on the EDU and you should be fine.

11-11-2003, 18:05
You might want to check the skid plate. The first time I changed my OEM filter, I spilled some in there and I could smell it until I cleaned it out.


11-11-2003, 20:20
Got it--wash the engine (make sure to cover the EDU, wash the skid plate, then get out the talcum powder.

You know, I used to have the med warm idle lope, and it was fixed with an ECM flash. Since I have installed the Mega, I have gotten the lope once or twice.

Maybe I need to check the bleeder fitting...........

11-16-2003, 20:24
Well, I THINK I have the problem solved. I pulled the airbox assembly, crawled up on the engine, and with a bright flashlight I looked down into the valley of the motor. I saw heavy fluid pooled up. I worked a flexible rod down into the liquid, and it turned out to be Rotella's finest crude, in 15W40. I changed the oil three weeks ago and did spill some, but the oil in the valley looked like it just came out of the bottle.

All this makes me think the valley of the motor doesn't generate a lot of heat, and as such diesel fuel--that I spilled when I installed the Mega two months ago--may still be pooled down in the valley.

Based on the input I receved here (thanks guys), I covered the EDU, the MAF connector, and the Juice connectors; squirted some Dawn dishwashing soap into the aforementioned valley, and then hosed it out with as much water pressure as my hose nozzle would give me.

So far, the raw diesel smell seems to be gone--I'll know for sure by the end of the week. I also tightened the two hose clamps and the fittings into the Mega filter housing--though they were still dry as a bone.


[ 11-17-2003, 04:17 PM: Message edited by: afp ]

11-17-2003, 10:04
Sounds like you found it Blaine.

Interestingly, I've been steadily selling the same Mega filter setup, and have been seeing VERY few air related issues as of late...

11-17-2003, 10:29
I've had my Mega installed Post-OEM since Grand Rapids with no vapor issues after more than 1,000 miles. I'll be doing my 75,000 mile oil and filter changes in another 500 miles, and I'll be changing out my OEM fuel filter and venting the system then. Looks like vapor and no-starts are not an issue on my 2001 (knock wood). What interval have you and your customers been seeing on the Mega, John? 30,000 - 40,000 - ? I've been changing my OEMs at 15,000. I suspect the Mega ought to be good for at least 30,000, more likely 45,000 and may even go 60,000 as a post-OEM?

11-17-2003, 10:59
GK states: Interestingly, I've been steadily selling the same Mega filter setup, and have been seeing VERY few air related issues as of late...

We are in the cold weather season and vapor/air issues with the Mega setup, have been reduced or even dissapeared!

11-17-2003, 11:14
and when warm weather returns....

11-17-2003, 11:22
and when warm weather returns....

So will the swallows from Capistrano!

11-17-2003, 12:35
It's not cold in all parts of the country...

I did say STEADILY which means they have been installed in hot climates all summer. Aside from the few guys with problems this spring/early summer, there have been very few instances of no starts.

11-17-2003, 14:28
I've only had my mega filter(post OEM)on for a couple of weeks now and very few miles. I bled it last night getting ready for the trip to Florida and got quite a bit of air out. Never any issues about starting or driveability. I don't think I did a good job of bleeding when I installed it. After seeing the junk (rust and water in both the primary and secondaty) that came out of my 6.2 after 9k, I'm glad I have a better filtration on the Duramax and run a fuel additive (PFFP). I always thought I was very particular where I bought me diesel fuel. :eek:

11-17-2003, 15:31
I wouldn't sweat the air thing as incomplete bleeding. In my experience, it doesn't matter how often you bleed it, it will always have air unless a lift pump is added.

I'm planning to add a storage tank here just so I can fill my tank with clean fuel 90+% of the time...

11-17-2003, 17:19
Well, it's definitely NOt cold here in San Antonio--I think it may have hit 80 today. I installed my Mega pre-oem, and have had no air issues. I have attempted to bleed the Mega several times, and I never get any air.


11-22-2003, 20:19
Well, after a week, I find the raw diesel smell is still there. It may be a tad less then before. However, it has never been very strong. You can't smeel it from inside the vehicle. The only way to smell it is to stick your nose up to the grill or in wheel well on the passenger side.

I am now thinking I spilled some diesel on some absorbent material--like maybe the insulation for the AC receiver/dryer.

I am fairly certain I don't have a leak. When I run my fingers all around the joints and fittings of the fuel system, it is totally dry and I get no diesel smell on my fingers.

This sure is annoying. I really don't remember how much diesel fuel I spilled during the install.

Reagrdless, I have no air issues. I do think the Mega leans the mixture a bit at idle. When new, my truck had the slightly lopey idle when 1/2 way warmed up. I had an ECM flash that fixed that, but I dropped about 1/2 mpg. After installing the Mega, my mileage picked back up 1/2 mpg, and I sometimes get a very slightly lopey idle when the truck is 1/2 way warm.


11-23-2003, 04:15
Originally posted by afp:
...The only way to smell it is to stick your nose up to the grill or in wheel well on the passenger side...Blaine,

Mine is the same as you describe. My 03 is the third diesel I've owned since 85 and I have noticed a bit of diesel odor around the engine on all of them (near the fuel fill door too). On the Dmax I think it’s due to a few small fuel spills when changing and bleeding the filters. I also periodically wash the engine with simple green but a little odor is still always there. As you said, it's not real strong but just enough for an ultra-anal person like me to notice.. :D

11-23-2003, 11:32

I wonder who else notices this smell? Certainly you and I aren't the only two anal DMax owners!!
