View Full Version : Oil Filter: Anyone heard about this???

07-02-2002, 19:07
Was at the dealer yeaterday and the service manager told me that to maintain warranty the only oil filter that could be used was an AC/Delco PF2232. Don't know if it's 0nly available from dealers or not. Anyone else heard anything like this??


07-02-2002, 19:17
there has been plenty of talk about what oil filters are the best to use on our trucks but have never heard that failure to use an AC would void warranty .... not that I'm surprised to hear anything that is said by someone in a dealership, can't believe they would feel they could make that one stick in court but who wants to go that far??? :confused:

07-02-2002, 20:43
Could be. The only OFFICIALLY approved filters for the Dmax are the AC 2232 and the Champion that came on the engine (can't remember the number).

I for one will keep running the Champion. I've got enough things I could get hassled for regarding my warranty validity, and I don't want the simple oil filter to be one of them.

Anyways, $14 out the door including the tax is cheap enough for me, after all, the truck cost me well over $41,000 including my "additions". I'm not going to cheap out when it comes to the filter.

To each his/her own, I guess.

07-02-2002, 20:44
I would think that they would first have to prove that the oil filter failed causing the problem. They could not refuse to replace a (let's say) faulty water pump under warranty because you have an after market oil filter.

07-02-2002, 23:12
Johns, for the record, I'm referring to outright engine failure, or other internal damage that could be traced back to a filter or lubrication issue.

I very highly doubt any other engine warranty work would or could be denied if using the aftermarket filter.

07-03-2002, 04:43
I would doubt even in the case of a complete engine failure they could deny a warranty repair for the wrong oil filter. As long as you can prove the oil and filters were changed per schedule they wouldn't have a leg to stand on. Of course they could fight you and drag it out forever. :(

07-03-2002, 04:52
I would like to see where it says the only approved oil filter is the AC.

07-03-2002, 11:04

That is Hog wash. If that was the case, then why would manufacturers get licenses to sell filters and then go through the grief of getting them approved.
I use WIX with no problems.

Carry on... :D

07-03-2002, 16:40
Three points. The D-Max can make up to 100 lbs of oil presure. The filter has a check valve built in to reduce drain down when shut down. The filter has, I have been told, an internal bypass valve in the event it becomes plugged.

If your after market filter has all of the above, go for it. Just not in my toy.

My $0.02

07-03-2002, 16:55
I asked the guy at the lube shop about this. He said it is a Federal Law that if only one manufactuer of filter is approved for a vehicle, then the dealer must give you the filter for free. He said their service bulletin showed there are several "approved" filters for the DMAX, although the original filter the lube shop was using on DMAX's is no longer approved (pressure too high). He did use an AC filter since it was all he had.

[ 07-03-2002: Message edited by: DucksnDiesel ]</p>

07-03-2002, 17:33
I am just wondering how many applications call for the AC 2232? It would be my guess several. The Amsoil SDF-52 was designed for the Duramax, yes it will fit other applications but that is not the intended use. They also have the anti drain back valve has well as the internal releif valve. I had a customer in Neveda call me today to order more of these filters (he has 180,000 on his 01)He told me that after using our filters that his oil looks cleaner than when using others. Now I really would want to see this for myself (not that I don't beleive him) but I feel that was a good compliment anyway. Heck they are only 8.70 each.


[ 07-03-2002: Message edited by: LanduytG ]</p>

07-03-2002, 21:17

Yesterday I went to the dealer to pick up a new filter and was quoted The $14+. I objected vehemently since the last time at the same dealership I paid $10+. I told them they were no longer the only game in town and I'd take my business elsewhere, they immediately reduced the price back to $10. The squeeky wheel gets the grease. You might try that too if nothing else walk out and go to the other GM dealer. Stu

07-03-2002, 21:56
Didn't all of our trucks come with the black ISUZU filter????? Big long number????? My dealer still gives me an option either or...... I chose the blue (ac) matches the Turbo air inlet tubes........I'm hoping they'll be on the shelves of the discount chains soon, just for ease of purchase......

If Greg keeps up about the Dual by Pass might just switch..... I'm looking for a little less soot build up..... I do have to do quite a bit of short trips. I believe this is culprit.... Will it keep my soot content down???? It's as black as the filter I don't use..... Quickly after change like the 6.5's....... For those that had them, to remember, as soon as your fired it up, black again ...... How about it there Greg,will it help????

MAC smile.gif

07-05-2002, 09:32
The bypass will help keep soot down. As for the oil not turning black, that won't happen thats just the nature of a diesel. What oil are you using? Not many turn black right away though.

07-07-2002, 14:09
LanduytG ,

OOps, should of checked back sooner .... Have been useing Amsoil 15w 40 HD Marine since 5k........It gets black soon after changing ..... Does the dual bypass come with a ridgid mount? Earlier indications to me were it would be best to design your own mount..... Do not want any thing flimsy......


[ 07-07-2002: Message edited by: mackin ]</p>

07-07-2002, 14:48
Make that bracket out of "ALUMINUM" NOT that stainless stuff Mackin's trying to push on everyone ! :D :D :D

07-07-2002, 21:29
The system comes with a very well built bracket. It will not brake.
As for stainless I love it, but I have lost my source of getting it.