View Full Version : Who's had head problems ?

07-02-2002, 08:38
Ok.. Ok.. on their truck ... I don't wanna hear about your trip to the shrink :rolleyes:

Seems a couple of diehard PSD owners have told me my new Duramax is junk cause the heads tend to crack or some such bologna !

I've scanned around here for a while but I guess I missed the big thread on the subject ?

BTW, I own a PSD.. but I call it something much worse :D with good reason...


07-02-2002, 09:09

Those PSD owners are the ones with the head problems. No such problems with the Duramax. In fact, there have been relatively few problems. 19k on mine with no problems at all. Only one headlight that burned out prematurely.

I hope to be in Las Cruses area in about two weeks then over to Cloudcroft area for a week. I love NM! Unfortunately, won't be driving my truck.

07-02-2002, 10:07
Hey Ken,

That's what I thought...

Well.. if I can get this PSD fixed and working well.. I'll slap the for sale sign on it... then on to a Dmax.

You just might see me cruising my new Dmax up around Cloudcroft about then... Bear season starts the 1st of August.. and Lion is open up there now.. Hopefully we'll get some rain here soon so they can open the forest ... Been real bad here ..

I'll be the one with the hounds on the box on the back smile.gif

Have a good safe trip !


07-02-2002, 11:18
So far it appears as tho General Mother has got it right with this one. Very few reports of head or head gasket failure so far. The truck continues to impress. You'll enjoy it.
Good luck with the summer HEAT-- hope your state doesn't catch on fire too!

[ 07-02-2002: Message edited by: zip ]</p>

07-02-2002, 11:35
We all know who's got head problems.... Mackin.... tongue.gif :D ;)

07-02-2002, 11:44
Careful now SoMnDMAX, you'll be next .......

07-02-2002, 12:31
Man ... Ole Mackin really takes some HITS. :D
zip tongue.gif

07-02-2002, 13:10
Hoot- :D Yeah, I know.... :eek: :cool:

07-02-2002, 16:09
WELL, look'ie here....... Here I've been staying away from controversy and look at this wide open "DOOR"......... Wonder What'Cha all mean about "HEAD" problems ??????? Is it something mechanical?????? I don't recall no recent "HEAD" problems ....... :confused:

HHMMMMMM maybe, just maybe, is it, NAH, he wouldn't......
All right I'll ask .........

You wouldn't be referring to my demeanor would ya So,M(e)n(tal)DMAX ???????? tongue.gif

Ya look who's poking fun at me.....Some one from Minnesota, can you say WRESTLER as a GOVERNOR .......

Hell, I'd rather go as SoM(did)n('tvoteforJESSE)DMAX.......

I'm letting you off easy... Right HOOT ????????


07-02-2002, 16:46
Well well, Mackin, I got to hand it to you. You called our bluff :D

Your demeanor is like our trucks....

07-02-2002, 17:41
Da**, Mackin, you really know how to hurt a guy... That Jesse comment was a low blow... :D

Things have certainly been interesting here in MN since he's been the Gov. Some good, some bad, some ugly, but always quite colorful. (Like you, Mackin) :eek:


So Mental Dmax tongue.gif :D

07-02-2002, 18:10
^....LMAO... All y'all got head problems...