View Full Version : 03' Fuel ?

10-02-2002, 19:36
Can anyone tell me how the "computer" estimates MPG on the new 03' trucks? Does it really use a meter for up and down stream measurement .... or a silly TPC?



--> Burner :D

10-06-2002, 23:34
:confused: :confused: :confused:

10-13-2002, 05:25
I have the same question... Seems like it probably just uses the trip mileage counter and fuel gauge reading (which have been historically inaccurate) to compute MPG. For a true instantaneous MPG it would seem that a calibrated fuel flow sensor would be needed? Is this covered in the factory manual?

10-14-2002, 12:38
Fuel rate (mm/1000 strokes)

Engine speed (Rpm)

Vehicle speed (mph)

The tables are there to see these at an even finer resolution than the scan tool. While there is potential for calibration variances due to the fuel delivery being an estimate, the results should be VERY consistent (skewed the same direction if so) even possibly, regardless of modifications.