View Full Version : New 6.6 owner looking for advice...

Jesus Freak
08-13-2003, 18:50
Hello everyone! New proud member and looking for some input from everyone concerning my new truck... First I would like to say that I am very impressed with my D/A. Especially when hauling a trailer... This truck rocks!! I have to say that when I started shopping I was concerned that I would be driving a different brand today.. Even though I've always been a GM man, I was determined to get the most truck for my money. I made a list of the options that I had to have and brought it to the 3 majors(6 dealers). Thank God that GMC wanted to sell me a truck more than everyone else...

Okay, just a few questions for you all. First, alot of talk about fuel filters. It seems like everyone suggests adding a additional filter, if so what kind?
Then, how about the oil change interval? Every 3000, 5000-10000, and how about the first oil change. I have 1800 pure pleasurable miles. Oh, I also have the "Tick." Seems to be getting less frequent though...
Lastly, what would be the first thing you would do to my truck?
Thanks alot for your input everyone...

08-13-2003, 19:38
Welcome, you're going to find like many of us that your truck will get better and better as you get it broken in. There's a ton of information already in threads in progress in the 6600 section (engine issues) and in the 2500/3500 drivetrain sections. Try the search feature for fuel filter, oil change, breakin. I personally made some early "break in" lube changes to my truck. Engine oil and filter at 500, 1500 and 2500 miles. I've been on the factory recommended interval of 7500 since. I changed out diff lubes after a 500 mile break in and again at 3000. Changed the Allison filter at 1500 miles. Look around, you're going to like it here and there's a lot of information and informative people at your disposal.

08-14-2003, 02:03
Jesus Freak,

Welcome from another new D'max owner who's also very impressed with the truck :D :D :D , TDP and TDP members!!

What if anything is the significance/meaning of your display name, "Jesus Freak?"

08-20-2003, 06:43
:D How many miles do you have on your new toy there Jesus Freak? I also recently purchased a new truck, took delivery on March 29th of this year and am about to hit the 7500 mark. These are pretty sweet trucks aren't they? I talked to the dealer about 'their' recommended oil change intervals and they 'recommend' every 5k. Haha! Now you can do the every 5k but if you put a lot of miles on your truck like I do and probably most of us that own a diesel you'll be changing the oil quite a bit, and by taking it to the dealer those trips can be expensive. I mean I'm not complaining that much just that they charge you way to much for oil when a case of oil is around 22 bucks and they are charging you 40...something is definitely wrong there. I would just say that the dealer is not the place that I'd take my truck to to have this service done. I plan on either doing it myself from now on or going to different mechanic.

08-20-2003, 07:08
I buy my oil at WalMart. They carry gal jugs of Chevron Delo 400. I change in the 5000-7500 range.

I buy my oil and fuel filters over the internet from TDP advertisers. (I do shop price though)

Definately add an additional fuel filter. Probably the most important upgrade of all. Which one? I'm running a Racor 690. Use your search feature and be prepared to live at your computer.

MagHytek cover on the rear. Put Red Line synthetic front and back.

Tranny.... deep pan and Castrol/Allison TranSynd synthetic fluid.

Jesus Freak..... great name. You'll get a lot of comments on that one.

I find it fascinating that when you spread the good news you often get chastized but if you were to call yourself Lucifer, you'd probably make lot's of friends and get compliments on you name.

Reminds me of helping people and having them give you a hard time in the process.

Third Day is one of my favorite bands.

Real Men Love Jesus

08-20-2003, 07:22
Where can you get the fuel filter that you mention there Hoot? (Doh I really don't want to live at the comp man.) No time to drive my toy then, haha.

08-20-2003, 07:26
Diesel Injection Services. Apparently they are selling so fast no one can keep them in stock.

www.dieselpage.com (http://www.dieselpage.com)

Click on my signature to see more.

Jesus Freak
08-27-2003, 18:07
Hey guys, thanks for the responses... I have about 3100 miles on my truck now. I changed oil at 2500, put-in Shell Rotella T. Hey, has anyone noticed a oil smell after first change. Seems like it's getting better now but right after the change it smelled like there was oil burning somewhere. Also, what do you guys think about the AC Delco oil filter vs. the Isuzo filter. I went and found an AC Delco for my first change only to find out that the truck came from the factory with the Isuzo filter... I guess I'm going to do the every 5000-7500 change interval, seems like that's what most are doing.
Hey Hoot, can you write all those suggestions in english for me. Maghytek cover on the rear of what? And Redline for the differentials? How soon should I change those and tranny fluid/filter change? I also love Third Day (saw them in concert last year). I also like Paul Colemen Trio, Downhere, Mercy-Me, and alot of others. Any music that helps me worship God is great with me...
But anyway I really appreciate all the feed back from you guys, cause I really want to take care of this one...

08-27-2003, 20:53
J/F. I have heard of the oil smell with Rotella, must be a charecteristic? I dont use it so I am not sure.. Its good oil though. As far as filters go, they are identical other then the color of the can. Either one will do the job, usually the a/c delco can be found cheaper and is more readily avail. Baldwin, Napa, and others also make quality filters and I would expect them to be with in a few $ of each other.