View Full Version : Fuel Price update

03-18-2005, 15:41
If anyone is interested, bulk gasoline contracts for April were $1.57/gallon this morning, diesel was at $1.50. So, we should be seeing cheaper diesel soon. For comparison sake, spot diesel for this morning was $1.55.

03-18-2005, 15:46

03-19-2005, 14:25
Diesel prices seem to be coming down a bit in my area. Average is down from 2.76 per gal to about 2.59. Still way too high but at least the trend seems to have reversed for now.

03-20-2005, 04:51
:confused: Fuel prices in eastern Wisconin increased by .10 cents this last week. Still thinks they throw a dart at a board and whatever it lands on is what they charge.

03-20-2005, 08:49
The reason most truckers don't complain is they get a fuel surcharge to make up for thr increase in fuel costs. However it comes down to the consumer of the goods being transported, that pays the freight. Fuel could drop some as the Northeast is comming into spring real soon, (the biggest consumer of #2 Fuel oil is the Northeast) hopefully it will show up at the pumps. Diesel was .20 cents less per gallon than regular gas, but now its 30 cents more. Fuel dropped .02cents Friday night.

Tough Guy
03-20-2005, 11:48
Here in Hamilton Montana, Diesel is up to almost 50 cents per gallon higher than gas....if things stay like this too much longer I'll be driving a gas powered truck for work....the 6.5L doesn't get good enough fuel economy to even begin to cover that margin...

as of: 3/20/05 Diesel #2 is $2.59 and Gas is $2.09


Bill Voitel
03-26-2005, 04:10
I-80 in eastern IA Iowa City area thursday 1.25 high
1.18 low. central IA at the Quick Trip I-80 & US-69
1.18 Guess we are pretty lucky in the midwest. :eek: :eek: :eek:

DMax Farmer
03-26-2005, 10:07
Turbo Power,
are you posting "farm" prices or did you mean to use a "2" instead of a "1" in your pricing. Prices around here are $2.20 - $2.30 gal/diesel. Neighbor took delivery of 1700 gal of "farm" (off road = no tax) diesel for $1.35. that is unbelieveable cheap. These prices are around Mpls (I-94) to St.Cloud Minnesota.

03-26-2005, 10:18
Make that a 2 I work in Iowa city and it was 2.24 yesterday, today I would be afraid to guess.
Tommorow scares me.

03-31-2005, 07:16
In San Francisco the highest i've seen was
$2.76 so every where else in the u.s. has it
still pretty good. Any where in the bay area
gas and diesel are just killing every body
out here it is always more here than any where
else in country just like housing that really sucks. I got lucky and got my house when the market was low at 440,000 9 months ago house now
worth 560,000 and still going up. Diesel use to
be so cheap out here befor. I want to get a gmc
diesel buy sh## the fuel prices keep going up.

03-31-2005, 08:47
Originally posted by Bowties4Life:
I got lucky and got my house when the market was low at 440,000 9 months ago house now
worth 560,000 and still going up. And you care what the price of fuel is? lol.

04-04-2005, 10:28
Well i guss your right but they raise the fuel
prices any chance they get. If someone farts let's raise the fuel prices. They are just milking this as much as they can and they are sticking it to the little guy. Well i like the truck when i test drove it, it was a great feeling the power it has and how smooth the tranny shifts. One way or another we just got to pay at pump.

04-06-2005, 04:19
SLT556> You've been talking about Fuel prices going down since they got above 1.60 a gallon. I Don't see it happening. You gave me the big supply and demand speach a while back, but that doesn't work now either. Let's face it guys, we are are being gouged to death on price with surplus fuel to be had everywhere. Oh well, everyone asked for this to happen..... inflation!

04-06-2005, 14:50
Just say no at the pump like I have. I have a little Nissan 2w drive pickup that I've been using as my basic around town driver while my Duramax sits in the garage. The only time it moves is when it has to, which lately has'nt been much. I would say my diesel bill has been cut in half. If every small diesel truck driver could and would do what I'm doing, it would get the big money boys attention. I'll never sell my nice truck, but I will keep the driving to an absolute minimum until this madness stops. Oh BTW, I was in Southern Cal last week and saw Diesel prices that were close to premium gas.
Up here in SW Washington it is still about 20 cents higher....

04-06-2005, 16:15
Hey Jimamatic,

I noticed the other day that the Astro station here in Tigard had diesel and premium at the same price now, $2.59 a gallon. Just last week premiun was .22 too .25 cents less. It jumped up over night on Sunday. All grades of gas has jumped in the Portland area. I'm wondering if diesel will make it's jump next? I was up in Longview today and the price of diesel is around $2.57 to $2.64 a gallon.

Mine too is parked!
Mike. :mad: :mad: :mad:

04-06-2005, 16:31
Originally posted by Ardie:
SLT556> You've been talking about Fuel prices going down since they got above 1.60 a gallon. I Don't see it happening. You gave me the big supply and demand speach a while back, but that doesn't work now either. Let's face it guys, we are are being gouged to death on price with surplus fuel to be had everywhere. Oh well, everyone asked for this to happen..... inflation! This is intersting. It was $2.28 when I became a member here. Prior refernces were market indicators for heating oil, and now harvesting season. Refineries actually change their economics to account for these trends. I saw the April contract prices with my own eyes, and they were selling lower than March spot by a nickle.

Storage only occurs when the future month barrels are worth more than prompt barrels; the already-made-product's price. If you don't see any releif at the pumps...sorry. I'm giving information from the down stream market, and throwing in my opinion. Just thought some folks may be interested.

Supply and demand doesn't work here? Where is all the diesel being hoarded? Why is it being hoarded if futures are cheaper than spot prices?

If you don't agree with me that's fine. I can respect that. But don't tell me I'm full of it, and then make things up.

diesel futures (http://futures.fxstreet.com/Futures/quotes/futuresource/quotes.asp?iFSQfields=desc,month,last,netchg,open, high,low,exchg,time&iFSQtype=Future&action=quote&iFSQsymbols=HO&iFSQoptions=HOJ06&iFSQtitle=Heating%20Oil)

Those prices can and will change, but you see the backwardation trend of dropping pricesas we get through the summer. I hope it makes it the pumps. I'm hoping we'll see in the next few weeks. This would be my opinion again.

04-07-2005, 17:18
Yeah, they are trying to trade it up based on speculation of possible future demands ie China just like any other future, my problem is why they are being allowed to gouge us now at the pumps and by the price of a barrel of oil just based on a small inside group of people. If I recall correctly DeBeers did the same basic scam to raise the price of diamonds to where they wanted them. I could have been mistaken about who made the comment, but I thought it was you, cause it was just after the election and talked about how fuel prices were going to go down cause of W for some reason. How do all you bread basket people feel about the massive ag cuts going on in Washington? Anyway my rant is over now. See you guys later.

04-07-2005, 17:39
Maybe if Uncle Scam took away recliners and Monday night football people would use the first and second amendments to make the government afraid of the people like it should be instead of vice versa. Then we would not have such an overwhelmingly corrupt system that allows big corporations to continually violate the hindquarters of Joe Taxpayer. I guess the common man is happy being a slave to the 40+ hour work week and also to the notion that there aren't any viable(and cheaper) alternatives to petroleum power, as long as he has McDonalds and cable tv. Sad.

04-08-2005, 03:54
^^^^^^^^^^ Amen Brother! Stand up, look around you, and open your eyes for things are not always as they appear. That is my motto, oh and don't watch Fox News, they are lying to you!

Bill Voitel
04-09-2005, 09:35
Hey Ardie do you think CBS or CNN tells the truth???? :eek: :eek: :eek:

04-10-2005, 15:19
I was online the other day and read some news about why the cost of fuel is up. Some moron wrote on my opening page on netscape the reason fuel is up is becuse we have a higher demand. I say bullcrap, what did the U.S. get another 4 million drivers. I got so mad, [used another word] that I type in congressman and wow a web page opened up with our Congressmans e-mail address. I decided to write this guy, I went on to say some choice stuff about how I felt about the price of fuel. I told him I felt I was being ripped off on diesel becuse it was not as refind as gasoline, I also wanted to know why we have a a shortage of fuel. I will let you know if I here back from him but I doubt I will. Do you thin we should all write the congressman?

04-10-2005, 20:23
I think that politicians should be harvested for their fat so it can be turned into soap or fertilizer or biodiesel(trans-esterification works on lard too :D ) or something useful. Talk about taxation without representation. These creeps can vote themselves pay increases. Who pays for that? On northern Illinois tollways the tolls are double if you use change instead of an I-Pass. What kind of Big Brother strongarm BS is that? I'm telling you if we don't do something fast we'll be standing in bread lines and get shot if we're caught out of our houses after 8:00 PM. That's not an America I'm willing to accept. Go ahead and think I'm paranoid. Just wait until the ATF comes knocking on your door to collect your duck gun and then tell me I'm crazy. It is happening slowly and under the radar. Turn off the T.V. and think for yourself for a change. Question authority.

Seriously though we have to fight the paper war before it comes to picking up arms and marching on Washington. WRITE YOUR CONGRESSMAN!! WRITE YOUR SENATOR!! VOTE!!!!!

04-11-2005, 16:17
I heard ya man, All of us have computers, all ya have to do is e-mail the good Congressman. Im just not sure he will listen or e-mail ya back. But...Im sure he uses something that a diesel brought to him.

04-11-2005, 22:38
As pessimistic as I sound I'm still thankful I don't live in Somalia or Iraq etc. I would like to give humanity the benefit of the doubt when it comes to avoidance of extreme measures like the ones I mentioned above. However history tells us that greed(sometimes diguised as religion, among other things)is responsible for the most hideous atrocities imaginable. I can only hope that the general populace of this nation will wake up and do something before it is too late. I love my country and thoroughly detest what is happening to it lately. The government has been using the divide and conquer principle(racism, religion, sports teams, Tupac vs Biggie Smalls, heck even the Chevy vs Ford thing could be in this category) to keep people subjugated for some time now. I've actually honestly seen people argue over "tastes great! less filling!" when congress is voting itself a pay increase on your back and the real homeland security agents can't put fuel in their patrol cars because the fuel budget was used up sending the director and his higher-ups to Hawaii to enjoy Mai-Tais, luaus and sunshine. WTF????? :mad: :mad: :mad: Increasing fuel prices may seem like a superficial reason to cry rat, but I'm certain that Uncle Scam is using this as a distractionary tactic(just like Terry Schiavo and the pope's funeral)to keep our eyes off of the real problems that this country is facing. I think oil company executives and the politicians conspiring with them to allow this outrage to continue should have their nads tarred on public television. I hope that no one thinks that I am aiming my comments towards anyone on this page, I am just voicing my opinions in the hope that I am not alone in my views.

Marty Lau
04-18-2005, 13:41
Maybe it's Time that Iraq, Kuwait, SA and other start paying back the USA by giving us oil for all the Military help we have provided.

I also think Mexico should be charged a barrel of oil for each citizen it has here illegal for each day. Lets see 15 million Illegals that 15 million Barrels a day. I wonder what the Mexican daily production is?? Less I think.
Those two would take the edge off oil prices for the USA for a while.

04-18-2005, 13:55
Originally posted by Nix:
As pessimistic as I sound I'm still thankful I don't live in Somalia or Iraq etc. I would like to give humanity the benefit of the doubt when it comes to avoidance of extreme measures like the ones I mentioned above. However history tells us that greed(sometimes diguised as religion, among other things)is responsible for the most hideous atrocities imaginable. I can only hope that the general populace of this nation will wake up and do something before it is too late. I love my country and thoroughly detest what is happening to it lately. The government has been using the divide and conquer principle(racism, religion, sports teams, Tupac vs Biggie Smalls, heck even the Chevy vs Ford thing could be in this category) to keep people subjugated for some time now. I've actually honestly seen people argue over "tastes great! less filling!" when congress is voting itself a pay increase on your back and the real homeland security agents can't put fuel in their patrol cars because the fuel budget was used up sending the director and his higher-ups to Hawaii to enjoy Mai-Tais, luaus and sunshine. WTF????? :mad: :mad: :mad: Increasing fuel prices may seem like a superficial reason to cry rat, but I'm certain that Uncle Scam is using this as a distractionary tactic(just like Terry Schiavo and the pope's funeral)to keep our eyes off of the real problems that this country is facing. I think oil company executives and the politicians conspiring with them to allow this outrage to continue should have their nads tarred on public television. I hope that no one thinks that I am aiming my comments towards anyone on this page, I am just voicing my opinions in the hope that I am not alone in my views. I think you need to go research some facts...

Government is in the way... in the form of liberal, environmental wackos that this administration is trying to defeat. The crazies in this country have had too strong of a voice for too many years and we cannot drill for oil, build refineries, build nuclear power plants or other smart energy solutions. That all began to change in 1994. It will take some time, but it is coming.

If you really think the government is controlling the media with coverage of Terry Schiavo and the Pope's funeral as a distraction, it will be a long time before you lift out of your depression...because it isn't true.

04-18-2005, 22:59
I guess that Rudolf Diesel and George Washington Carver were the liberal environmental wackos of their day. Heck, I guess even Nikola Tesla's vision of free energy for mankind belongs in that category as well,despite the fact that without his inventions it is likely that we would not enjoy many modern conveniences like distributed polyphase AC and the AC induction motor that made most of the industrial revolution possible. Petroleum has outlived its usefulness by a very long margin. Making energy cheap,clean,and good for the planet. What a far out delusional tree hugging wacko hippy datura alkaloid-induced jackass concept. Even wackier is the thought that congressmen(oops congresspeople-I forgot to be PC)and senators could possibly be swayed by "campaign contributions" from the largest industry in the world. Since when is nuclear energy a smart energy alternative? Smart compared to what? Tell that to the people that live near Chernobyl. I'd be willing to wager they might disagree. I don't give a flying f**k at a rolling donut what the track record says. I guess nuclear waste disposal is just another one of those pesky little nuisances that only tree hugging liberal wackos worry about.

That said, I most certainly agree that liberal government has helped make the world a bad place. Criminals having more rights than their victims, incarcerated felons having better living conditions than most people living in poor neighborhoods, the list could go on for pages. I vehemently disagree that environmental concerns are arbitrary and unfounded. So many industries could stay prosperous AND be good for the environment by switching to renewable resources. Like I said in another post, you can't tell me that we have the technology to put men in outer space, but we can't figure out a way to have cheap and plentiful energy without cornholing the environment.

However,if the government says that an octuple whopper with 24 slices of cheese 48 pieces of bacon and 4 cups of msg-fortified mayonnaise with a side of sausage gravy topped deep fried calf liver strips garnished with margarine and washed down with 2 liters of Jolt cola 8 times a day is the new food pyramid and is the only way to be healthy(add a Marlboro or 60 just to be on the safe side),and CBS, NBC and CNN air a special with doctors and experts saying that it is true lots of people will believe it, regardless of what common sense tells them. The government has attained strongarm power and control over its citizens using the same principles that P.T. Barnum used to get rich.

[ 04-18-2005, 11:26 PM: Message edited by: Nix ]

04-18-2005, 23:31
Originally posted by 16ga SxS:

I also think Mexico should be charged a barrel of oil for each citizen it has here illegal for each day. Lets see 15 million Illegals that 15 million Barrels a day. I wonder what the Mexican daily production is?? Less I think.
Those two would take the edge off oil prices for the USA for a while. :D :D :D

04-22-2005, 13:16
It has nothing to do with illegals or Mexico they don't make the gas prices go up it's those
pricks at the top of the oil Companies and at
Washington D.C who are in it together. Don't
forget the middle east,them and the big oil
companies are the ones making the money. Us the
small guy is the one who gets it. My family has been coming to and going to the U.S.A since befor
world war 1. When my grandfather send for my father to come to the U.S.A in 1963 he was only
here 6 months and went to join the army to go to
vetnam. He knew this was a great county and wanted a better life for him and my mom and sons
and daughter. I'm pround to be Mexcan American and i love this county as much as any body. I have friends and family in iraq right now so to
blame illegals for the rise of gas prices is bull
sh*t. Remember why we are here in this country we can say what's on our mind and be free and we the people can speak Against the government.
Somthing does need to be done and it will be.
Gas prices are getting out of hand.

04-22-2005, 14:38

I don't believe he meant the illegal emigrants are to blame for the gas prices. I read it to mean Mexico should offset the cost of illegal emigration from their country by giving up some oil. That's how I understood him, anyway. There is a huge difference between legal and illegal emigration, and I don't think legal emigration was what he was refering to.

TDP would not look kindly toward a post if it were intended to attack a person's ethnicity. 16ga SxS' post did not appear that way. I hope you understand that.

04-22-2005, 21:52
I love cultural diversity. I just think that it is unfair for people to try and skirt the legal system regardless of where they come from. My great-great grandparents had to do it legally, and as a citizen I have to abide by the laws and respect the customs of this country, so why shouldn't everybody else that wants to come here? Also anyone that puts their life in harm's way to defend this great nation deserves mad respect, regardless of where they come from.

Check this link out:

04-25-2005, 06:46
I agree everybody should obey the laws and do things right to get into this great country of ours. By the way Interesting web site.

Bill Voitel
05-16-2005, 15:32
Hi guys, not to hijack this thread but diesel is down to 2.07 @ the Quick Trip I-80 in Des Moines :eek: :eek: :eek:

05-16-2005, 15:53
I saw diesel yesterday for 2.29 at the local station here in Cleveland,

JD Diesel
05-16-2005, 16:13
Its down to 2.33. Here in loma linda ca last week it was 2.49 :mad:

05-16-2005, 16:20
2.19 in Greenville, NC, have to buy my first tank of diesel next week. 115 miles so far on the 2005 crew cab. Hopefully with warmer weather, diesel will continue to drop :rolleyes:

05-16-2005, 21:45
Still 2.49 here in Northern IL at Mobil, Clark 2.39. Is it just me or is Clark diesel crap? The only other time my truck ran that bad was from Amoco diesel from a truck stop near Grand Island off I-80.

05-17-2005, 00:14
Still $2.459 here in town at our Hess Station. Just paid $2.499 on I-84 in CT. I see its $1.979 in Carmel Church VA. on I-95, Thats where I fill up when we go to Richmond VA. to see the grandkids. Its always .30 to .40 cents less than here in Pennsylvania. Thats why I went with the "TransferFlow" 98 gallon tank, its gives me 132 gallons total for long range and price shopping on fuel.
I think prices on Diesel will continue to drop during the summer, as heating oil is not selling to well, but it will rise again in the fall. :rolleyes:

T HAUS6955
05-19-2005, 17:41
$1.97 a gal on 5/18 in Joplin Mo, Flying J, otherwise $2.04.

JD Diesel
05-19-2005, 18:44
just bought fuel to at the 76 for 2.29 in loma linda Ca :rolleyes:

JD Diesel
05-19-2005, 18:45
tongue.gif just bought fuel to at the 76 for 2.29 in loma linda Ca :rolleyes:

05-20-2005, 14:27
$2.06 in va beach today

05-20-2005, 17:39
On 5/17, I filled up at the Flying J in Southern Kentucky on I24 @ exit 86 for $1.959, that was the cheapest between Tampa, Fl and Cedar Rapid's, Ia, although I saw a lot of 2.05 - 2.15.