View Full Version : does't play well with others

01-16-2003, 09:19
To all interested,
I have been a reader and contributor to this forum for several months and during this time have enjoyed it and have grown addictied to it. Most of you guys and gals are facelist personalites that I look forward to reading your next post or passing thought. Sometimes it seems to get a little personal and to me thats ok because we are all human and most feel stongly about their choices and opinions voiced here. Recently, I have noticed a trend that seems to bother me. Its the thin skin we all have when someone questions our choices or opinions. Every one has a right to their own opinion and we should respect it. Even if this opinion is in direct conflict with yours a vendors or whomever this is a "forum". To me if a member vendor or moderator post something that I dont agree with thats their right but in return I feel we should not be punished for our non personal response. Theres lot of combined experience here and lots to be learned from other members mistakes and accomplishments. So lets get our flame proof suits on and go on with it and hopefully we want have to see another topic closed because it got to personal. Vendors, this is a tough crowd if you respect them and live up to your ads and posted responses they will respect you......I hope you(members, vendors and moderators) all have a prosperous year.
tongue.gif thick skined and flame proof dave

[ 01-16-2003: Message edited by: sdaver ]</p>

01-16-2003, 09:27
Nicely put Sdaver smile.gif

01-16-2003, 11:52
Yeah, thats what I was trying to say. ;) I share your feelings. Unfortunately some people have an agenda sometimes. And they need to be exposed so bias can be considered when assessing their opinions. On the other hand, their are not that many. This is still the cleanest most professional board I've seen

Well, like my wise old Granddaddy used to say;
"It's a good thing we all don't like the same thing, cause everybody'd be after your Grandma"

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