View Full Version : Injectors - An issue or not?

08-01-2003, 12:31
Is the injector failure issue really that big of an issue? Especially for the 2002 and up model years? I spoke with my dealership

08-01-2003, 15:27
Well, my 01 has 6 bad and is going in for 8 on Monday. :(

So, I would say there was an issue on 01 anyway.

I am sure you will get others to chime in soon.


Captain Mal
08-02-2003, 20:36

I've had three failures and am going in for 3 - 6 new injectors next Wednesday.

My truck is a 2001. You judge.

08-03-2003, 19:33
cdhd, I wouldnt worry about it... Dont lose sleep over cold sheets. :cool: Sorry, made that up.

6.6l used an additive for a while after he knew he had bad injectors, cleared them up considerably, If it really bothers you, use good additive, lots of opinions on that as far as brand goes. I like FPPF that Kennedy sells.

The good news is, at least for Capt Mal and 6.6l, is I am putting those injectors in ;) See you guys this week!! Mike, I will try and beat you there Monday morning, You can drive two hours and still beat me in! Capt Mal, I will call you with hotel res info....How does lunch sound Wed?

08-08-2003, 19:56
I've used Power Service Diesel Fuel Supplement
+ cetane boost, and right after I got my 2002 last August, with 1,000 miles on her, I was going out of town traveling at 70, proceded to pass a semi, now going 77, then the engine hesitated, then poof, went a blue wad of smoke all over the semi I passed. This was last August, I brought the truck in, they said the Fuel filter was fine, something must have gotten by the filter, and there were no codes, so I got a new filter and I was SENT on my way.
After 1 year of use, I drive 15 minutes away to get my fuel from a truck stop, which has good quality fuel, lot's of semi's fill in there every day, and now I have 9950 miles on her, I'm getting some really bad fuel economy, the engine is making some noise ( getting louder by the day ), wondering what's up, can't figure out after going through 2 fuel filters in 7500 miles, getting fuel from a truck stop, using a supplement, and still I feel injector issues?, what do you think, I'm stuck and confused, thanks!. :eek: :rolleyes:

08-08-2003, 20:07
BigWheel, sounds like a trip across the Lake is in order for you, just ask 6.6l and Captain Mal...When you wanna come over and get her fixed?

08-08-2003, 23:12
Man I wish I lived 1000 miles closer, I sure would drive the rest of the way. LOL Get your truck fixed right and lunch too with your own personal expert. Doesn't get any better!!!!

08-09-2003, 05:59

08-09-2003, 08:24
I'll e-mail you the details, thanks! :cool: :rolleyes:

08-09-2003, 08:39

I have been using the Power Service brand fuel treatment and cetane boost. So far no problems. The truck had 375 mile when I bought it (dealer trade). I now have 1,950 miles on it. Aside from the 2003 making more "clatter" noise than most of the 2001 & 2002's I have seen, I guess it is okay. No smoke on full throttle runs. I have to mash the throttle everytime I drive the truck! :D In town mileage is in the 16-17 mpg range, no full highway trips yet. BTW, we have been having triple digit temps here in Texas!

Thanks! smile.gif

08-09-2003, 08:50
One thing I should note, is that I DO put alot of injectors in, but consider how far away these people are coming and its not a big deal, We just finished some research here and found there are 3577 registered d-max's in MI. I bet I have only seen 30 of them in here for any kind of work, add in the out of state guys and number goes to 40. I can only think of 10 or so trucks that have had any thing major go wrong. I dont feel that overall there is much concern for injector trouble. Go to a F or D site and see what kind of problems they are having, F seem to use injectors like oil, D dont seem to have a tranny to hold up..

08-09-2003, 08:56

After 1 year of use, I drive 15 minutes away to get my fuel from a truck stop, which has good quality fuel, lot's of semi's fill in there every day, and now I have 9950 miles on her, I'm getting some really bad fuel economy, the engine is making some noise ( getting louder by the day ), wondering what's up, can't figure out after going through 2 fuel filters in 7500 miles, getting fuel from a truck stop, using a supplement, and still I feel injector issues?, what do you think, I'm stuck and confused, thanks!.
Sounds as if you have other issues if your loosing economy, noise and possible smoke. I forgot to add that in email to you

08-09-2003, 09:17

If the drive to to MI is not possible/practical, you may want to visit Iten - they're the Chev Truck Center. Talk to Sid in the truck shop in the back. He's the best GM diesel tech I've found in our area and is a member of the Forum (sid6five).

08-09-2003, 09:22
You are right on it, Sid has looked at my 2002 last year, and helped me out, and did a great job going over the truck, I will be going back to him next week, getting an appointment to get it in. My older brother had a '88 Chev Diesel and he told me that Iten is the place in this area for Diesel sevice, that's why CAT is there too. I only use this truck on the weekends, for family and friends, pulled several times, but mostly for fun and going up against the new buddies Dodge 2003 clumsly. Maybe run into you at Rogers for fuel up sometime, nice to see your truck, & keep me up-beat about this DAMX, and yes, I thank God every day that I don't have a 6.0 F--d.
Thanks! :cool:

[ 08-09-2003, 09:32 AM: Message edited by: Bigwheel ]