View Full Version : Oil sample ?'s

07-31-2003, 14:37
Between 9500&16500 mi. I took 1st oil sample, everything looks normal except for copper @278. Recomendations are all normal for break-in resample@ next regular interval. Does this sound normal and could anyone shed some light on this. I should add that for the 1st 9500mi.I,d changed oil 4 times. Thanx in advance.

07-31-2003, 14:52

Don't feel bad mine was 964ppm at 9393 miles :eek: . See these threads for more info
Can this be right?? Copper at 964ppm! (http://forum.thedieselpage.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=3;t=006246)

High Copper (http://theoildrop.server101.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=26;t=000043)

It seems that high copper is not unusual for the Dmax during break-in. Since other wear metals and Silicon are normal it's probably nothing to worry about.

07-31-2003, 15:52
I just got mine oil analysis back today. I have about the same mileage you do, and this is my fouth oil change as well. My copper was at 26 and the the remarks were copper was slightly above normal. Silicone was also slightly above normal at 26.

08-01-2003, 06:15
Thanx for the input,I'm thinking that even tho the oil went the 7500mi. that it's supposed to with the by-pass system I should probably start testing at 3000mi. intervals from here on. At least until I establish a wear pattern and have some idea of what to expect.

george morrison
08-01-2003, 09:25
Re: Copper. The Duramax engine has a 'signature' somewhat elevated copper; in the low double digits is common. (20-30 ppm) Correspondingly, we are looking for single digit or low double digit silicon (dirt). If we have a higher double digit (20-30 ppm) silicon, the elevated copper reading is a direct result of the elevated abrasives in the oil which is as a lapping compound for the softer yellow metals.
As a relative: a CAT engine may report a copper level of 2 to 3 ppm; whereas an Isuzu engine in a similar operating environment may report a copper level of 23 ppm. If the CAT engine were to report this level of copper we would be following trends, looking for a copper source. With the Isuzu engine, the copper level would continue at the 20+ level on through its rebuild at possibly 30,000 hours... (30,000 operating hours is double what would consider excellent operating life) On teardown, the bearings would appear worn and ready for replacement but nothing like what would be anticipated given the relatively high copper numbers (compared with the CAT copper readings)...
Moreover, it is of the utmost importance for Duramax (and any engine) to maintain the lowest possible numbers for induction contamination. If one attains low single digit (a 3 to 6 ppm level) silicon (dirt), the engine will be on its way to a good long life.. An induction dirt level in double digits will greatly shorten Duramax engine life and performance.