View Full Version : Another oil question

07-31-2003, 13:25
I know, I know..... but I'm a FNG and I need some help. This is my first Diesel, I have always had gassers in the past. Anyhow, been using Amsoil up until now.

On to my question. Delvac 1 or Amsoil in my Duramax? Why? How about drain intervals? Amsoil tells me 5K on the filter and 10K for the oil.??

Thanks in advance.

07-31-2003, 19:58
Originally posted by 03BlueHD:
I know, I know..... but I'm a FNG and I need some help. This is my first Diesel, I have always had gassers in the past. Anyhow, been using Amsoil up until now.

On to my question. Delvac 1 or Amsoil in my Duramax? Why? How about drain intervals? Amsoil tells me 5K on the filter and 10K for the oil.??

Thanks in advance.
george morrison
Member # 4845
The 5W is the rating of Delvac 1 relates to cold weather operations and not its normal operational viscosity. Since Delvac 1 easily flows to 40 below zero, it meets the 5W(winter) specification. One of the many benefits of full synthetic oil is its viscosity stability. It does not 'thicken' with cold temperatures or 'thin' with high temperatures as does conventional mineral based oil. (it does but to a *much* lesser degree) Thus we gain all the advantages of having excellent lubrcation on cold start-up yet unequalled protection at high temperatures.
Delvac 1 is not a 'thin' oil; the base stock used to make Delvac 1 is actually 'thicker' than the base oil used to make a conventional mineral based 15W-40 engine oil.

As example: military 'special' vehicles that may be assigned for immediate service anywhere/any climate in the world, are initial filled with Delvac 1 as the vehicle is equipped for deployment for any environment, arctic or desert.
Source (http://forum.thedieselpage.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=3;t=006326)

Listen to this guy, he knows his oil amongst the industry there of ..... Good source of oil analysis also ,if you chose extended drain intervals ....

I run Delvac year round .....

Watch Amsoil not all of their grades are API certified for your Duramax ......

Mac ;)

08-01-2003, 07:17
Thanks Mac.

So what is the recommended interval on Delvac without a bypass system?? 5K, 10K, 15K ....????

08-01-2003, 08:31
03BlueHd, welcome to the world of GM diesels and welcome to The Diesel Page. Without anlayses, the best interval is the manufacturer's recommended. It's 7,500 for my '01 and I'm not sure, but I think it's gone to 10,000 for the '03s and '04s? Anyway, I've been doing analysis on all of my changes through George Morrison (AVLube.com) and I've only had one result where my lube was getting "marginal" in viscosity and stability at 7,500 - and that one was on "regular" Rotella-T non-syn 15W40 that I had to run out to 8200 miles because of a road trip. My analyses on synthetics show that I'm not even close to oil depletion at 7,500. Some people are going for extended service on their oil and only swapping filters at 10,000 and watching the analysis. It's not unusual for one of these persons to go 60,000 or even 80,000 miles before a full change - especially if they are running a bypass filtration system. I'm happy with a regular change interval, but if my results continue to show that I'm "short-changing" a good load of oil, I may step up to the the 10K routine, too. Only problem is that I don't want to extend my fuel filter changes beyond 15,000 miles and that works out nicely in my current 7,500 mile schedule (oil and full flow filter every 7,500 - oil, full flow, bypass and fuel filter every 15,000.) You can find pictures of my fuel filters and copies of my oil analyses in the links in my signature. Suffice to say, you are in no danger running non-synthetic to 7,500 miles and synthetic to 10,000 miles plus.

08-04-2003, 06:47
OK, I've done some reading and research online and pretty much have decided to go with the Delvac1 for my D-max. What are you all using for filters? How about by-pass filters, worth the $$??

Sorry to be a pain, just having a hard time making up my mind.

08-04-2003, 07:57
No pain, Blue, we share a lot of information here. Some people are using the Oilguard bypass filter and seem happy with it. A lot of us are using the Amsoil dual remote. Both are TDP advertisers. I've been using the Amsoil dual remote for some time. I initially installed it when the truck was 6 weeks old and at 5000 miles. It had the old BMK-13 two-piece connection adapter that leaked (dripped)continuously and I had mounted my filters to an under-cab shield that caused flow noise and vibration, so after 6 months and 18,000 miles I took it off. With the purchase of the improved BMK-17 one-piece adapter and a frame bracket, I put the dual remote back on 10 months and 22,000 miles later. Have been running it now for 6 months and 18,000 miles with great success. I like the vertical filter mounting for R&R and prefilling and have been having great oil analysis results. I've been trying to stay to the 7,500/15,000 mile routine, but some necessary travel has pushed me out (last change put 9,300 miles on the oil due to a week's trip to Kansas) and it looks like 10,000 is not a problem. I just switched back to non-synthetic on this last change in an attempt to "use up" my inventory of regular oil (I have a couple changes worth of Mobil Delvac 1300 and Shell Rotella-T 15W40 that I'd like to use up during warm weather) and I have about one more change of Rotella synthetic and once those are gone I'm planning on going to Mobil Devlac One synthetic year round from then on. Once I get onto full-time synthetic, I'll look at going to a 10,000 mile filter and sample and 20,000 mile oil and both filter changeout if analyses support it. Plenty of pics and data in my links. Hope this helps.

08-04-2003, 08:20
Thanks Tom, you've been very helpful.