View Full Version : how a turbo works...

Silver Bullet
01-10-2003, 15:25
I was wanting more info on how my turbo worked. My first Google search led me to...


...which is very cool, but not what I was after. It did point me to http://www.howstuffworks.com. After doing a search there I found this...


...perfect! And it also pointed me to this...


Larry Wine
01-12-2003, 18:47
I am not a turbo expert, buy the turbo is is a integrated part of the exhaust an intake. It has 2 fan blades .The exhaust forces its fan to turn which drives the intake fan forcing air pressure into intake. They call this boost pressure.Forced air press.creates more H.p. Engine will only handle so much ps . then wastegate opens and bypasses extra air ps. Hope this helps.

01-13-2003, 06:36
Hi SB:

Yep, howstuffworks.com has been on my faves list for awhile...a great site to learn about virtually anything. A real must-see for all of us "perpetual students"!!! :cool:

See ya on the 25th!

Da Diva

Silver Bullet
01-13-2003, 16:14
I don't want to reopen any of the HP vs. torque discussions, but I found some interesting explainations (even easy to understand for us non-engineering types!) on howstuffworks.com...This site is cool!