View Full Version : I knew I should have bought a Dodge.

11-08-2005, 16:37
Brought home my 02 d/max from Indiana first of month, it had the papers for the new fuel filter recall in glove box but since I got it on a Sat no one was in service dept to install so just have it done at local stealer when I get home, Right?
Noticed next morning after returning that there was drippings off the diferental and since they were brown in color I thought it was rear cover gasket, No big deal.
bought new gasket yesterday thinking I was on my way to success here.
Today took it to stealer for the fuel filter and lo and behold I get a call saying I had a seal out of the t/case and it was going to cost bunches to fix.
So thinking I could cut a fat hog in the a## I run it right down to this transmission shop guy I know and checked it out, CRAP it not be any where near a seal, its the $%^^$#@$ transfer case that has a hole worn in the side of it like I find out a bunch of them do.
Go back to dealer and check on waranty and learn as expected,SORRY CHARLIE, since it has right at 100k and you not be original owner you pay me TO FIX TO THE TUNE OF $1821.44
yumping yiminie Clyde I almost crap my self, have truck 10 days and this.
Selling dealer says he will check into this matter for me, Sure he will, NOT!! I am hosed here but good.
At least if I'd bought a Dodge someone would have already put in a tranny and it wouild have outlasted 800 miles which is all I got out of this piece of crap.

11-08-2005, 16:54
Ask all those guys from Osky or down your way how much they have in Dodge diesels with Iowa roads, driving and fuel. 3 or 4 Carters, couple VP44's, couple steering boxes, clutch, trans, etc... They all have glitches of sorts by the six digit mark. You'll appreciate your choice in a month or two. Maybe pull it out and apart, have the case welded and take the pile to whoever to put back together (if you can't do it, of course)?? Good luck...T

11-08-2005, 19:20
Selling dealer says he will check into this matter for me, Sure he will, NOT!! I am hosed here but good.
If you bought it from a dealer, they should be on the hook if there was a hole in the transfer case.

I'd have your local service manager call the sales manager at the selling dealer and get this covered under warranty.

If they refuse, I'd be calling a lawyer in the selling dealer's hometown.

11-09-2005, 07:16
Every used vehicle i bought used from a dealer came with a ninety day warrenty. On my last truck a month into owning it the transmission crapped at. They replaced it at no cost to me. I would check your paperwork and see if there is a warrenty.

11-09-2005, 09:16
Is this the case porosity deal with the Tcase?

I would think it should be warranted...

11-09-2005, 14:15
In situations such as this, I have learned to remove myself from the "burden of the conflict" and let the resolution become the responsibility of the appropriate party - or in this case -parties.

Too often, in the interest of our own financial well-being, we inadvertantly take hold of the situation, and by doing so, now "own" the problem.

The problem here CLEARLY belongs to the selling dealership's Used Car/Truck Manager. The person he should hear from should be the Service Manager at your local dealership.

Tell the two of them to work things out and call you when the truck is done. :D

11-09-2005, 17:27
Could someone please tell me about the hole in the T/C problem. I`ve never heard of it.

11-09-2005, 18:04
Update, Seller says he will take responsibility for the T/case.
So here is the senerio. It is up on blocks in my garage and I am r&r the t/case for reason #1 I will not take it back to local dealer because they are so dam dumb they told me it was a seal leaking in the first place.
Am taking t/case to the local tranny dude for inspection,list of parts etc.
Then we call seller and he supplies all parts to local guy and pays his labor and I install same.
Thats why I am doing the r&r cause there is too much time involved with back and forth w/parts etc I can't tie up a stall at the local guys shop that long.

11-09-2005, 18:34
Sounds to me that you are OK.

The seller is paying for all but the R&R which you don't trust the local dealer to do for you.

Plus, if you do it yourself you are "going to do it right."

Sorry for your problems but happy for the fix.


11-10-2005, 04:21
Reason #2 for not taking it back to inspecting dealer, in talking to Erik @ dmaxalitech I find the dumb butt quoted me a complete t/case.
Erik says the rear housing is around 200+ rather than the 1800 quoted by dumb a#$.
Not near as mad now, but i still can't believe how stupid dealers are, the selling dealer says they never heard of that problem, inspecting dealer can't even do a correct quote but they have seen the problem several times....CRAZY!!!