View Full Version : Hypertech or Predator.. Fuel Mileage increase??

04-17-2003, 09:56
Hi, I have a stock DMAX with K&N filter..

I am looking for EVEN better fuel mileage than what I am getting now..

I am currently getting about 20.5MPG on the highway @ 70MPH & around town about 17MPG..

I have a buddy with a Hypertech programmer & he says after he re-programmed everything he got 26MPG on the way to Madison, this is with a Powerstroke.

Does either one increase fuel mileage?
If it does, will it most likely SCREW with my MPG calculator in the dash?



04-17-2003, 10:27
Don't know about the mpg in the dash, but I have run the Predator for a couple of tanks. I have seen a slight drop in mpg of less than 0.5 mpg. Now, the problem with this data is for these tanks I have been doing G-Tech runs, races, ect. that I didn't do before. I also have not had a highway trip to compare yet. I am just below 16 lifetime and get 15 +/- 0.5 in town.

04-17-2003, 10:30
I have not heard of any Powerstroke getting 26mpg. My brother has a dually Powerstroke 2000 and he gets 15mpg daily driving with a plug in chip. I have run the Predator on my D/A and did not notice mpg improvements, but my foot was in it pretty heavy most of the time, because I love the way it gets up and goes. It is like my vette/truck pickup. For the price and OBDII diagnostics just try it, and if you do not like it, return it in 15 days, I think. Just my .02 cents worth.

04-17-2003, 10:47
Same problem here....I can't keep my foot out of it to see if it helps. I can tell you now that it's off the truck, I sure do miss it already :(

04-17-2003, 14:44
Don't know about the Pred or Hyper, but I do know that the Juice set in 1 or 2 decreased the fuel mileage running 75 mph. Did a trip the end of December out to Wyoming and back where temps were in the 50ish degree range with heavy headwinds. Was running stock then and averaged 17.7 mpg just under 6000 miles. Just completed the same trip the beginning of April same temp/wind conditions with juice on 2 for half the trip and 1 on the other half. Averaged 16.46 mpg for the trip and just shy of 14000 miles. Juice is now setting on workbench.

04-17-2003, 21:44
I've got a 2000 Powerstroke too with 80HP Superchip, thats about what I get too, about 15...

F350 6 speed..


04-18-2003, 11:49
A PSD getting 26 mpg! No way! My buddys Ford cant hardly get 15 mpg! I think he was just pulling your leg. I have never heard of any PSD getting over high teens for milage. :D

04-18-2003, 12:20
Even IF you get 2 mpg improvement, it will take nearly 50,000 miles to recoup. Buy a module for POWER, and take the mpg as a fringe benefit...

The Ford guy likely believed his MPG computer :rolleyes:

04-20-2003, 09:16
"The Ford guy likely believed his MPG computer"

He's right. No Powerstroke can get 26mpg with some serious modifications.

When I had my Superchips programmer for my 2000 Ford diesel, I gained 1mpg. The Hypertech gave me 0 gain.

If you're lucky, you'll see a 1mpg gain - that's it.