View Full Version : tpitt////Ratlover------Engine code?

Murray the Cop
11-05-2003, 07:36
Did you correct the problem with the P0540 code? Matt at edge sent a new box,looked good for a day and now the code is back. Seems to show up after the truck sits overnight.

11-05-2003, 08:33
Yup, it wasnt an edge problem. I nuked the maxi fuse(what ever the hell those are???) that suplied juice to my glowplugs and air intake heater. Juice didnt nuke it.....look for my post titled "what did I nuke" redface.gif Dealer fixed no charge and I have been fine. :cool: Truck starts fine at 50 with no glow plugs or heater BTW :cool:

Maybe your air intake heater is actually nuked and it just shows up when the truck is cold and it trys to use it? Or is it only when you are juiced?

Only juice issue I have is that I always seem to have problems changing levels :confused: It got to the point I called the edge and they walked me through it......first couple times we couldnt get it to take but finally did. Now it takes me quite a few imputs before it will actually change. I ditched the juice for awhile for my dealer trips and wanted to let the alli relearn instead of being stuck in 4 and am now bringing it up slowly.

Murray the Cop
11-05-2003, 16:46
I searched for the post you mentioned,it comes up but then says the post does not exist when you try to open it. Aaron at edge said it was an attitude issue and is sending me a new one.If that doesn't work I'll bring it to the dealer. Customer service at edge is pretty damn good. Thanks and would still like to see that post.

11-05-2003, 18:34
I have seen a few of these recently with the 450 code, my findings are the same, a 175 amp maxi fuse blown. Must be the cold weather setting in :confused:

11-06-2003, 09:03
I know this is off topic, but here it goes.

Ratlover, you have a setup that I'm interested in. The JK 4-5" exhaust straight piped. Where did you find the 4" pipe and the 4-5" adapter?


11-06-2003, 09:08
Originally posted by MaxRock:
I know this is off topic, but here it goes.

Ratlover, you have a setup that I'm interested in. The JK 4-5" exhaust straight piped. Where did you find the 4" pipe and the 4-5" adapter?

MaxRock Dunno if we did Philips straight pipe conversion, but a 5" pipe swaged to 4" ID should do the trick. My own personal suggestion though is to leave it muffled as the restriction is minimal. Haven't heard Philip's truck, but mine was quite loud with the 5" short body perforated muffler...

11-06-2003, 11:11
Never been straight piped but YES, go with the short body muffler ;) Let me tell you it is quite loud with the gooseneck hooked up. Sound must deflect off the Aluminum trailer which collects between the cab/box and trailer. 2500 miles to and from Wyoming doing 82 mph. :D Had the Alpine stereo cranked.

On my 3500 SRW I will be going with the long body LOL!

11-06-2003, 11:57
No John, I originaly bought the perforated muff from you with the whole system.

I actually got a 4"ODx5"ID reducer at the local ford big truck store for 12 bucks i think. That and 2 foot of straight 4" pipe($.50 a foot) and I was in buissnes. I had to cut slits in the 4" on one side and expand it out a bit with a vice to get it over the trucks pipe. I did some looking and fond a bigtruck dealer with a 4" stack(one side was expanded to 4"ID for a slip fit) but it was going to take em 2 weeks so I just did some jimmy-rigging. Just welded my "home expanded" 4" to my reducer and clamped it in place were the muffler lived so I could put the muffler back if it was too loud.

Performance> None I'm sure. I could roll a grapefruit throught the center of the JK muffler so I cant see the muffer being a restriction.

I have the juice, it makes a bit makes the engine a little louder than stock....even with the JK muffler.

Sound> At idle it is just a hair louder than with the muffler. Moderate cruising is more of the same, just a hair louder than the muffler. With the windows up going down the highway at 65-70 you cant really hear it. With the radio on its not even there. I had a coworker with me after I removed it and he made the coment that it was much quiter than he imagined. I was pussy footing it since the motor was cold.....then we went through downtown with buildings on all sideds of us and I relized my motor was up to temp and it was play time :cool: :D Next he was saying :eek: it does get kinda loud dont it :eek: . At WOT especially amongst buildings and especially with the windows down it gets loud. Not causing you to get a headache loud but people definatly look. At around 2500 or so its like someone hits a switch.....dont matter if you are at heavy throttle or not, it gets loud. This would suck if you run long distances at 80+MPH since thats about were 2500 falls in OD because it might get anoying. Also i would think that towing heavy/long distances would get very loud and anoying. It is much louder outside the vehical, it dont seem bad to you but people sometimes look if you get on it. Turbo noise is also increased or I may be nutts. You will draw more attention, but cops seem to not screw with a 40k diesel truck as much as some 18yo kid in a honda with a 4" tip tongue.gif Gota love not being a target :cool: :D

Overall I like it especially for the price. Try it and if you dont like it then throw the muffler back on there. If you havent hooked up all of your exhaust I would hook it up with the muffler and then do the swap. That way if you dont like it you can swap the muffer back in there no problem.

If you have problems finding stuff I could give you the name of the places here I have found stuff. Or if you need any other help let me know.

Murry> you didnt happen to whack the stud for the heater or plugs and short it oud did you? Not that I would know about such things

Eric>so are the trucks actually blowing fuses or are there more people out there welding the groundstrap to that little stud :rolleyes:

11-06-2003, 14:42
Thanks for the feedback. There are a few OTR truck service center in the area, I'll see what they have to offer.

Thanks again!


Murray the Cop
11-06-2003, 17:05
Yea I might have. Had to disconect the positive lead under the ground strap at the fire wall to move the computer plug so I could connect the juice. I tried to be as carefull as possible but couldn't wait to connect it and lost the wrench. Guess this could have done it. Actually stuck to the strap and freyed it very slightly. Can I change this maxi fuse my self? Location? Will I be able to tell it's blown by looking at it?

11-06-2003, 17:30
The 175 watt fuse is under the electrical center box, you have to remove the whole box, not just the fuse cover, pull the fender brace and release the clips to get to it. Its right on the front edge of the box. Has some good size wire going to each side of it, to test, use a test light, should have power at both sides of it, if not, replace it, if its blown you will set a 450 code almost for sure. It is replaced by just removing the wire from both sides, I think one side is a 13mm nut and the other is a 8mm bolt. the fuse kind of snaps in place and is easily changed

Murray the Cop
11-07-2003, 04:18
Thanks but I'm only getting the 0540 code so maybe it is just the attitude.I'll wait for the new one and if it still codes I'll check that fuse.

11-07-2003, 05:37
Murry, sounds like exactly what I was doing and did redface.gif

At first all I was setting was the 540 too.

Murray the Cop
11-07-2003, 06:50
Just got back from dealer. They say its a relay that is bad and it is on back order from GM. Not much I can do untill it comes in. They said a week or so. Hope it doesn't get too cold upstate NY this weekend. Not gonna miss the last days of bow.