View Full Version : Smoke on start up.

04-12-2003, 21:42
Well I'm kinda thinking I should of jumped on the secondary fuel filter band wagon. Because my truck sure does put out alot of white smoke when I first start it up. Its been getting worse the last few weeks. I am going to take in into the dealer Monday. What direction should I head them in? I think I heard someone before mention injector pulse or something ?? This is a very large dealer but not to brite . I've had it in 4 times for the steering rattle and they have done nothing but tell me they will check into it. I'm hoping I dont have to listen to the "you modifyed the air box story from them". Truck has almost 50,000 miles and fuel filter changed about every 5,000 miles. What does GM recomend ?

04-12-2003, 21:50
White smoke indicates unburned fuel. A faulty intake air heater could cause this problem. Also, poor glow plugs could cause this, if all glow plugs are not heating up properly and a few cyls are not firing correctly on start up, it could push some fuel out as white smoke. Intake air heater is only active at temps below about 45 degrees IIRC.

04-12-2003, 22:24

Thanks for your input. I don't have this problem, but I like your responce.